Some pre-knowledge information:
Variety is the color of rabbit. In the Flemish there is Black, Blue, Fawn, Light Gray, Sandy, Steel Gray and White.
classes for Flemish Giants are as follows:
Senior Bucks - 8 months of age and over, weight 13 poundsor over.
Senior Does - 8 months of age and over, weight 14 pounds or over.
Intermediate Bucks & Does - 6 to 8 months of age.
Junior Bucks & Does - Under 6 months of age, minimum weight for
junior bucks and junior does 6 1/2 pounds.
BOV= Best of Variety
BOSV= Best Opposite Sex Variety
BOB= Best of Breed
BOS= Best Opposite Sex (of breed)
Each variety are judge separate and by classes. Normally thevarieties go in alphabetic order so in this case Black Senior Buckswould be on the table first. The first place rabbit would stay on thetable after placements. Next the Black Senior Does would beon the table and the first place rabbit would stay on the table and therest would go back to the owner. This would follow through intermediateand juniors with bucks followed by does. All the first placewinners would them compete against each other for Best of Variety. Theopposite sex of whatever won BOV would then compete for Best OppositeSex of Variety.
Each variety would continue like this until all varieties representedare judged. The Best of Variety and Best Opposite Sex ofVariety would then go up against each other for Best of Breed and BestOpposite Sex of breed.
Each breed follows this same format unless they are a4 classsbreed (Senior Buck and Doe, Junior Buck and Doe). Some breeds go morein-depth on judging and have groups for example the NetherlandDwarf.
Self Group:
Ruby Eyed White, Blue Eyed White, Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
Shaded Group:
Sable Point, Siamese Sable, Siamese Smoke Pearl, Tortoise Shell
Agouti Group:
Chestnut, Chinchilla, Lynx, Opal, Squirrel,
Tan Group:
Otter, Sable Marten, Silver Marten, Smoke Pearl Marten, Tans
AOV (Any Other Variety) Group:
Fawn, Himalayan, Orange, Steel
Ruby Eyed White senior bucks, senior does, junior bucks, junior doeswould show individually. There is then a Best of Variety and BestOpposite of Variety. Same goes for BEW, Black, Blue, Chocolate andLilac. Each of the BOV and BOSV in the Self Group would competetogether for a BOG (Best of Group) and BOSG (Best Opposite Sex ofGroup). The same would apply for the Shaded, Agouti, Tan and AOVgroups. Then each of the BOG and BOSG winners would then compete forBOB and BOS.
Brimmhere- The placements listed on the winnings would be that rabbitswinning for its class. The initials beside the placings arethe abbreviations for that show. I hope I didn't go too in-depth toconfuse you. If I did please ask and I will clarify.