many rabbits do you have?

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2 for me (winnie my black mini lop, and herman my opal english lop)

but we have 3 in the apartment (when you count my roommates mini rex, zooka)

and we have another comming very soon (my roommate's rabbit that lives at her parents house. . . lou is a tort satin. . .)
I technically have six bunnies. Three boys, three girls.

Right now, though, the boys are still residing with their Breeder Mama,TinysMom...and won't fly here until September (due to my schedule ofgetting the final two of my girls spayed, and their getting spayed, aswell as waiting out the summer heat).

So, I guess technically three right now, since that's the literalamount of buns I actually care for physically right now.Though Peg (TinysMom) does involve me in most of the decision-makingfor the boys, so I suppose I'm partially taking care of them, eh?

Anyway, three for now (physically) and then three more in September. :)

Then, when we get a house (about a year away), we'll adopt more andfoster tons and have a couple pups in the backyard, etc. Oncewe have that house, the buns will have their own room (and the fostersmight just stay in our room with us, or some such, since I'd want themto be separated/quarantined from the regular herd) and majority run ofthe house. :D


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I have 4:

Mocha & Zoey who are one bonded pair.

Spice & Reese who are being bonded right now.
I have one Jessica Rabbit, she's like having 10though as she is really mischievous, wouldn't swap her though heehee.Would love to have loads more though, a house full haha
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
I don't think I could handle any more than two,these two demand enough attention as it is without other buns to carefor!;)
:yeahthati dont know if i could handle morethan twoeither:sweep...:jumpingbunny:..:jumpingbunny:
To be perfectly honest, I'm SHOCKED when I thinkabout it, that I'll have six bunnies. I never dreamed I wouldturn into such a bunny lady!! Hehe...

peapoo_bunny wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
I don't think I could handle any more than two,these two demand enough attention as it is without other buns to carefor!;)
:yeahthati dont know if i could handle morethan twoeither:sweep...:jumpingbunny:..:jumpingbunny: