Question about bonding

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Belfast, , United Kingdom
Hello guys,

My rabbit Moon seems to have bonded and be getting along with my new rabbit, Flopsy, since this afternoon. He is grooming her, she is following him, they were chasing a while ago and now they are lying side by side.

Is it safe for me to leave them out together tonight, or is it too soon? How long should I wait before being sure they won't fight if left alone?

thanks :)
Are they in neutral territory right now?

When I bonded my three, I left them in a pen in neutral territory for awhile to solidify the bond before moving to non neutral territory.

So, I would try leaving them as they are now over night. Make sure you are either in the room our within hearing distance in case of a fight. But they should be fine.

Good luck!

Thats the strange thing - they are in Moons territory BUT I moved everything around when I sectioned off an area for Flopsy yesterday, so I'm not sure if that has had an impact. His cage is in the same place, but the dining table is moved and her cage is in the opposite corner.

They still seem fine but maybe I'll play it safe and put the divide up tonight and see how they are again tomorrow in case I don't hear if trouble starts. I'd feel so bad if either got injured. Its so cute I'm almost crying here - she follows him around everywhere and he is grooming her again now. I'm such an old romantic at heart ;)

Thanks very much for your reply!
Chances are if they are getting along now, they should continue to.

Especially since they are on non neutral territory, that shows they really love each other.

Watch them interacting up till bedtime, and if there is still no aggressive behaviour, I would leave them together in exactly the same set up over night.

If they are getting along well now, it might be hard on them to be seperated and put back together over and over again.

It sounds like they've cememted their love for each other.

A little bit of chasing and humping is normal. If they are not even doing that, then it shows that they really, really love each other...

Wow, really?
That is brilliant and I'll take your advice as there is plenty of hiding places for her if she needs them in this room.

He did try humping her not long ago but she wasn't having it and he remained loving after.

I'm thrilled they are getting along - it makes life so much easier for me not to have to keep them separate. Hoorah!

Again thank you for coming to my aid! :D I'm off to bed now..x
After Baxter had a meeting with Wildfire and Zeke at the shelter, he came straight home and into a "bonding pen"with Wildfire and Zeke. I was extremely lucky because I had no fighting, and not very much humping. The whole process went really smoothly for me.

So, if you get to the point where they have spent the whole day together, there is grooming and snuggling, then you can leave them together.

Especially since they wheren't fighting in non-neutral territory, that's a sign to me that their bond is really strong.

Some bunnies it's just love at first sight. Other bunnies you have to work for months.

It sounds like you are one of the lucky ones.

Let us know how they faired over night!

You were right! I am one of the lucky ones because they are both really happy this morning and all is well.

I guess we might hit problems when she reaches puberty, but I'll play it by ear. I'm just so happy Moon has a friend as he looked so lonely sometimes.

Life is good here. Oh yes!!! :D:elephant:
You can try to get her spayed at a younger age,around 4 months, if you have a good vet. That will help curb some of the teenage behaviour.

Zeke was supposed to be neuter before I did my bonding, but due to a mix up at the vets, he wasn't done. So he was bonded, and then I had to get him neutered after. There was spraying and humping before the neuter, but the behaviour went away after his neuter.

Keep a close eye on your buns, and watch for signs of fighting as your girl gets older. And take her in to get spayed as soon as you can.

aurora369 wrote:
You can try to get her spayed at a younger age, around 4months, if you have a good vet. That will help curb some of the teenage behaviour.
We had Lucy spayed just last week at 4 months and she did great. She was done Thursday and by Saturday she was back to her old self. No post operative problems at all.:bunnydance:

All great advice that I will keep in mind!
Well - thanks to the help here, these two are bonded and totally besotted with each other.
Here is a picture I took this morning of them:


That is the girl, Flopsy, and no her eyes are lighter blue in real life - but the camera didn't pick it up properly,so I used levels to intensify them. :bunnydance::)


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