Queen Isobel's Court

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I really like this one for some reason...















Some shots of the redone..and done again play pen in my bedroom and some proofing I did,....





and I think she looks so smushable in these!!






I am living with a freak....really!!!

OK..so like Isobel doesnt much care to be too close to me and what not. Doesn't seem to like to jump on the bed if I am laying, sitting there right???? NOT!

Last night while I attempted to sleep,....she made my bed her playground....dear god! Biting and digging at my blankets....hopping all over my head and pillows,..around and around in circles...the girl is BONKERS!

Oddly enough she allowed me to move around with out her freaking out and to even pet her....yet this morning....NOPE....back to that stay away from me phase....Go friggin figure......
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Full moon last night?

lol...no clue.......but she is acting like I am gonna hurt her...sigh....

i bet you money she will run all over me in my sleep again tonight...

I find it funny as all get out because the foster peoples said she didn't like to jump, wouldn't jump up on the couch and what not....um....yeah...HA...jokes on me....
A few random entries that are revelant to keep track of things....

A letter written to the foster mother a bit ago when asked how things were going:

I will try to give you a total run down.
Lets see....she didn't seem very happy in the living room. We opened up the cage and there was a play pen of sorts set up in my bedroom. When she found it, she woulnd''t leave it.
So we made the play pen more the cage and made the cage in the living room more a lounge area should she want to come out.
She pretty much will not leave my bedroom at all unless forced to do so. Treats,...greens, whatever,....won't bring her out. Almost any noise and movement seems to make her jump, twitch etc. You can not slowly approach her to just sit by her without her running away. Though at times she will bite and rather hard at that, your jeans, coat if you are sitting etc.
She will let you pet her at times, but is short lived. She seems to get too nervous about it and takes off. I dont think it is about she doesn't see your hands, I think it is hands make her nervous.
The last 3 days she has been destroying her cage. Torn up the box, the balls, the grass mats etc.
I do not know if she is just in the mood to, or if something is upsetting her.
We leave the bedroom door open when we are home, but she rarely will ever venture.
She will NOT walk on anything but carpet..We have made trails of carpet for her to move about but that hasn't done much either.
She very much liked my bed and I would allow her on it, but when she starting pooing on it and making it her personal playground at 4:30 in the morning I fenced it off. It had seemed though that had started to create a bit of a bond....but she would dig and bite, pull at my pillows as if to wake me up but would run away when I did.Confused the crap out of me.
I checked her tum and it is healing nicely....I did however notice this...

My rabbit forum suggested it is pee stains, but it is still there...I am not sure what to make of it.

She is eating fine, all her pellets, 1/4 cup...and her salad at night. She likes it late or she doesn't show interest in it. Her eyes seem lively and alert, she runs, jumps and lounges out in my bedroom cage...all poos are same size and norm...though they crumble rather easy.

She likes to climb....my bed, the couch,....what ever she can, whenever she can....She seems to really like looking out windows and the front door when they are open and she is able to...

You can take a peek at the album and pictures I have going of her so far if you would like...

I am not sure what to think. She certainly likes my daughter much more so than me. She will allow Lina to pet her at times. She never nudges for attention. Doesn't want to be brushed. She also didn't like the Timothy hay, Botanical, or Orchard from Oxbox...but she seems to LOVE the organic meadow hay & Oat from Oxbox.

She will pretty much stay hidden if her cage is open, if closed she goes into destruction mode...and doesnt venture out to us much.

She does like Cilantro....But I am not sure about green peppers, she checked them out yesterday...but wouldnt try them.

Been giving her Red Leaf, Cilantro, bit of carrot...and tops when I can find them....

Her poop seemed sort of dry, but not much to be worried about, so I have dropped a bit of apple juice in the water to help encourage...I am not clear on if it has helped or not.

I have been leaving her more in her cage than anything because it seems like she does not feel safe and seems so scared when we open it....but if I need to get in there to clean up the havoc she raises, I pick her up and put her in the living room where she runs and hides till I am all done cleaning and I open my bedroom door again. Once that door is open, she books in there and will not come out.
She is always looking to get up on my bed, but I keep it fenced off at all times now. Couldnt take the 4:30 am wake up call every morning.

I suppose that is about it....Trying to let things be on her terms...give her plenty of toys and what not. Leave the door open for it to be her choice...but yeah...that is about where we are....

OH...and that foster mom never did reply to me AT ALL..hmmm

and though I admit right now that I am not going to mention it....They have NOT cashed my adoption fee check!! How strange right? I would have that would have been done in like the first week, but we are like at what, week 4 now?
Well about her diet...


Is listed with the HRS approved foods...and I know it is different than the hay, but I would like to know how people feel about this one.

To date...

She likes:

Green Peppers,seemsto really like these now... Green Leaf,

RedLeaf,Loves the red leaf more so than the others I believe

Romaine(no iceberg or light colored leaf)-(Vitamin A) (So would that mean red leafs and such only Get the vitamin A?))

Parsley(Vitamin A), Cilantro, Carrot &Carrot Tops(Vitamin A),Which part gets the vitA Apples, Banana

& of course she loves the apple, banana, & Carrots,,,...

And we have tried, and it would seem she does indeed like the Alfalfa Sprouts.

I would like to add the sprouts to her diet as 1: I can find them easy enough at a large Kroger with a nice veggie department I think often, they say organic and they only run a dollar.

Oxbow Hays, Oat & Organic Meadow Hay, which for some reason I keep calling sweet meadow...

She does not seem to care for:

Dislikes Oxbow's Timothy, orchard, Botanical

Bok Choy- nibbled at the green tops a bit, but she really could have cared less, and it was hard to locate really. It reminded me of celery, so I thought trying celery at any point would be pointless, plus I worry about the string part.

As to TOYS: She will bite, tear at or toss, plastic keys, pine cones, wooden blocks, apple tree parts, scrunchy things,....but does not seem much to care for them.

She like Willow Items a lot.

Why does she dump the roll with Hay into the water bowl every chance she gets?


Now I found an endive...but it looked yellowish to white-ish and was called a Belgan? (SP) - Endive? Is that one ok?


Willow.....Can I just basically walk up to a willow tree and rip off a bunch of braches, or are there certain (breeds/types) that you are only able to chew.

It would seem, Isobel LOVES Willow in what ever way it comes...

For the willow loving buns out there: PetSMart has these :

"Mega Munch Sticks" $3.99 - I think it comes with a lot. Claims to be all natural Willow with bark covered willow branches. Says 100% natural....

Isobel tears into this stuff, but I found she prefers the thin, and not the thick...I have taken much of them (after she destroyed the bundle and made them into toys with the grass mat peices she has torn and tossed about)

Seems she likes the roll with hay in it, but keeps dumping it into her water...sigh.


She remains not much of a morning greens eater, but she had a pinch of sprouts and 2 sprigs of Parsley this morning....along with what I now give,...2 Tablespoons of Oxbows Timothy Pellets...


Now I know different buns, will have different issues...but if some of you have found a certain thing causes GAS....let me know....like as in the following...

Broccoli - Gas? What exactly does it mean by leaves and stems, no tree top part sort of peices? (Has Vitamin A)

Brussel Sprouts - Gas? - I see them every where...is there any thing to do besides wash to prepare these?

Collard Greens? Gas?

Are green peppers the only pepper? Like no Red ones, Yellow or Orange?

Mustard greens? Gas?

What is watercress? Has Vitamin A

and Wheat Grass? Where does one find something like that.....


Does anyone have regular plants in the home that are not only safe for buns, but good for them that they let them eat as they so desire?


TONS of questions....

Cant wait for the answers to pour in!

Thanks everyone!

I feel guilty...I feel frustrated...and bad...and it has become like a mantra....She is not Simon, She is not Simon...

But every day gets worse not better. I shaved down her head and for one day she was happy, she was running and playing and sort of asking for our attentions...but after that day it went back to being a brat.

Can't get near her or she runs away, cant even walk into the room without her freaking out. I was putting hay in her cage two days ago and she bit me hard enough to bleed.

I have begun wondering if she belongs here....if she isn't happy...and so scared...maybe she should be some where else. I dont know what we are doing wrong....but then I say to myself....She isnt Simon...She isnt Simon...

Maybe we should have waited before bringing in a new bun...Maybe we should have gotten a baby....I don't know and I am second guessing everything now...
OH....and I went crazier with the cage the other day...the thing really is like a palace now. Towers and look outs, ledges and angles, hide aways....If I was a bun, stuck in a house, ...it would be like bun heaven...
Each bun is different and it is hard to accept, especially when you lose a heart bun. I have a blue mini-rex that has been a nervous nellie since we got her 4 years ago. She is just now starting to not make a noise when you open her cage and pet her. I hope it doesn't take that long, but if she had a rough start in life she just may take longer to trush hoomins. I am sure you are doing this, but one thing that has helped me with some of my buns is just sitting or laying on the floor and letting them run around the room.

I have a lionhead Carmel who does not like to be picked up, when he runs around the room he won't come over for pets, but if I open his cage to feed him or give him ore hay I he allows me to pet him. Such unique personalities, like kids, what works for one may not work with another.

She has a nice home, a slave to care for her, she has it great now. The only other thing I can say is give it time, may take a while but it will work out.

When you reach into her cage, have a treat in your hand. After a while she will associate your hand with a treat and think twice about lunging at you.

I tried giving my buns mustard greens but they did not care for them and frankly I couldn't take the smell. Now they do like collard and turnip greens. I get them at Krogers and theres a lot, I have not notice any gas problems. Mine also like craisins too for a treat. I also give mybuns red and orange bell peppers too.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Each bun is different and it is hard to accept, especially when you lose a heart bun. I have a blue mini-rex that has been a nervous nellie since we got her 4 years ago. She is just now starting to not make a noise when you open her cage and pet her. I hope it doesn't take that long, but if she had a rough start in life she just may take longer to trush hoomins. I am sure you are doing this, but one thing that has helped me with some of my buns is just sitting or laying on the floor and letting them run around the room. We do, but you can not move an inch, no noise can be made...or she freaks...
I have a lionhead Carmel who does not like to be picked up, when he runs around the room he won't come over for pets, but if I open his cage to feed him or give him ore hay I he allows me to pet him. Such unique personalities, like kids, what works for one may not work with another. I agree with you...and she honestly reminds me of one of those children that has been passed through homes, the system too much and now lashes out, not wanting to get close, because being close hurts when they ship you out, or get rid of you etc...that is really how her behaviour strikes me now....

She has a nice home, a slave to care for her, she has it great now. The only other thing I can say is give it time, may take a while but it will work out.

When you reach into her cage, have a treat in your hand. After a while she will associate your hand with a treat and think twice about lunging at you.
This was only one day....other days she just stays away, hides on a shelf, or in a corner etc...she has no pattern I can really find to understand...
I tried giving my buns mustard greens but they did not care for them and frankly I couldn't take the smell. Now they do like collard and turnip greens. I get them at Krogers and theres a lot, I have not notice any gas problems. Mine also like craisins too for a treat. I also give mybuns red and orange bell peppers too.
Hey, So things arnt going so great?
Hmm, thats not the best BUT you are right when you think, it isnt the other bunny. She is goign to be different of course and yuo are trying everything. She may just be scared still. i herd it can take months and months for rabbits to get close to you to trust you and that might need to happen with her. But if you really arnt happen and neither is she then i think it might be best to put her in a home where her and the owner are both happy. She might not be the bunny for you. I know its bad to rehome animals BUT there is no since for you and her to be unhappy.
Orchid wrote:
OH....and I went crazier with the cage the other day...the thing really is like a palace now. Towers and look outs, ledges and angles, hide aways....If I was a bun, stuck in a house, ...it would be like bun heaven...

and here would be some of those pictures of the new castle...

She seems to really like being on the very top shelf....


I made part of that a door though so I can get in and out to fix, or change the towel etc...









Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Each bun is different and it is hard to accept, especially when you lose a heart bun. I have a blue mini-rex that has been a nervous nellie since we got her 4 years ago. She is just now starting to not make a noise when you open her cage and pet her. I hope it doesn't take that long, but if she had a rough start in life she just may take longer to trush hoomins. I am sure you are doing this, but one thing that has helped me with some of my buns is just sitting or laying on the floor and letting them run around the room.
You know I have been thinking about that (above)....and I think when I am sleeping at night and allow her on the bed is when she trusts me the most. I assume she gets some how I am sleeping and mostly unaware of what she is doing...but I have woken to catch her laying at the end of my bed.....I had thought maybe we had been making progress, but things seemed to go nutty....

I have a lionhead Carmel who does not like to be picked up, when he runs around the room he won't come over for pets, but if I open his cage to feed him or give him ore hay I he allows me to pet him. Such unique personalities, like kids, what works for one may not work with another.
I think the picking up has been a major issue....but we had to for a few issues...one, checking her tum because she was spayed right before I got her. Needed to keep an eye on it. Checking that tail area, which since I have shaved down is fine.....I do think every time I have had to pick her up it makes it worse and regress...she gets worse...and hates me more...

She has a nice home, a slave to care for her, she has it great now. The only other thing I can say is give it time, may take a while but it will work out.
I am confused on whether time will or wont make any difference.....Today she has thrown me for a total loop....Baffled does not begin to describe it...

When you reach into her cage, have a treat in your hand. After a while she will associate your hand with a treat and think twice about lunging at you.
This morning she was just fine with my hands....she sniffed, followed and watched but that was all....

I tried giving my buns mustard greens but they did not care for them and frankly I couldn't take the smell. Now they do like collard and turnip greens. I get them at Krogers and theres a lot, I have not notice any gas problems. Mine also like craisins too for a treat. I also give mybuns red and orange bell peppers too.
I personally love the colored bell peppers...and she does seem to really like the green one, maybe the colored ones she would see as a treat...
I mentioned I gave her a haircut the other day......

I know she doesn't look as sweet as she does with her long hair....but she does seem better with the short...Maybe it really is that she can't see well enough....It has seemed to have made a difference....

I did however get the name of an actual bunny groomer from my bunny vet... What I did was quick and well, ...lets say I make a horrible hair stylist lol






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