Pus infection / Swollen Toe (merged)

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Pipp wrote:
Here's a further response from Pamela Alley, a majorbreeder,after I sent her the original post...(I think she was talking about oral PennG, notflushing it, as per Pam Nock)


Definitely not oral PennG, which can be fatal. She was mostlikely referring to injectable, which is commonly given for sore hockinfections (and I've found it to be very effective also.)

tofuhead wrote:
Pipp your help on this is amazing! I'm blown away by your kindness. Truely!
Isnt she amazing! :) I was just reading this and am impressed with how much work you did researching this sas!!

Hope you are able to work this all out, Im so sorry for all your troubles

pamnock wrote:
tofuhead wrote:
Hasanybody had any experience with infections with pus in it?Does the pus ever go away with the help with antibiotics or is the onlyway to remove it successfully is to perform surgery? can a pus infectedarea spread? my chechi is on bactrim liquid and has a swollen toe withsemi hard pus. it has not softened within 2weeks.
Has the vet lanced it open? Rabbit abscesses have a tendencyto encapsulate and become hard. I had a buck with a largeabscess - we lanced it, flushed it with Penn G, and it completelyhealed. I do recommend the oral antibiotics also though.

Pipp wrote:
Here's afurther response from Pamela Alley, a major breeder,after Isent her the original post... (I thinkshe was talking about oral PennG, not flushing it, as per PamNock)

...... Frankly, were this my rabbit, that'sprobably what I'd do. If, of course, a round of antibiotics(bicillin, not Pen G) didn't do the trick.

Definitely not oral PennG, which can be fatal. She was mostlikely referring to injectable, which is commonly given for sore hockinfections (and I've found it to be very effective also.)


Heh! I balled this all up. I just wanted to makesure it was clear that Pamela Alley's reference aboutnotusing PennG was not a response to Pam Nock's post about flushing itwith PennG. Pam Alley never saw herpost.She was responding to a post on antherlist.

Clear as mud?

she's doing okay! :) thanks for asking.

i don't know i've beencrazy busy this month haven't taken tothe vet yet. i still plan too.she's still taking antibioticsevery day though. she is in high spirits and the swelling ofher toe has lessened a bit. I think it's because i huggle herand carry her around more often and she loves being pampered.

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