My bun, Bookworm, switched immediately from thestore brand that the pet store had him on. I bought a smallbag of the stuff so he wouldn't have to go cold turkey, but he won'ttouch the stuff! He just leaves it in his bowl and searchesfor more Purina. Now I wish I hadn't bought the other bag...
I mix both the old stuff and the purina in his bowl and he divesin. He is eating about 1/2 cup per day... lots, but he wasbony when I bought him 4 days ago.
He already lets me hold him and bruxes (grinds teeth) when I scratchbehind his ears.
I decided tolet him name himself. So we justwatched him and lethim explore our bed. (the only bunny proof area of our homesofar... except for theleaks and thepellets)He kept going after mybooks,crawling on them, trying to eat them and just sittingon them when I was trying to read. It was funny.
I mix both the old stuff and the purina in his bowl and he divesin. He is eating about 1/2 cup per day... lots, but he wasbony when I bought him 4 days ago.
He already lets me hold him and bruxes (grinds teeth) when I scratchbehind his ears.