Puppy's missing - **HE'S HOME!!**

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I hope you find him!!! Does he have a microchip implanted? If he does, you should give the number to all the vets in the area. You and Seth are in my thoughts.

Glad to know my story about the lost dog helped :)
I really do hope you find him soon; you're trying very hard and it would be heartbreaking if it didn't work... I'm sure you'll find him, though. With all the steps you're taking, it seems like if anyone found him, they would recognize him on sight from all the flyers and information. I'm sure he's probably off chillin' in a park somewhere having a good time until someone finds him ;)
Best of luck on your search! He can't be off playing hide and seek forever!
I'll be saying prayers that your Seth is returned to you safe and sound, Jesse. Afraid I don't have any suggestions besides what everyone else has already given, but know that you're in my thoughts. And I don't know if this will help, but I had a dog go missing for 4 days when I was young...we all had just about given up hope of ever finding him, as Charlie used to never wander very far...but on the 4th day he showed up, a bit hungry and thirsty, but none the worse for wear. Turned out he had gotten himself locked in a neighbor's garage, and someone finally discovered he was there when they heard him barking.

I also found a cat in my friend's backyard once, again back when I was a teen. It wasn't unusual to see stray cats wandering about, but for some reason this guy caught my eye...he looked thin and had a definite hint of 'lost' about him. So I caught him and called the phone number on his ID tag (fortunately he had been wearing a collar), and when the man on the other end answered, at first he thought I was someone playing a joke. As it turned out, the man and his family had moved into the area some three months before - they were a couple of blocks from my house - and the day they moved in their cat had panicked, dashed outdoors when the movers left the door open, and ran away. He had been missing for 3 months, but was returned to his family safe and sound that evening.

Please don't give up hope...and my thoughts and prayers are with you and Erron.

Thank you all so much, this is my third night without my boy. I miss his love. And his stink (yes he smelled) and I miss his kicking me inteh back all night I miss having him around for any comfort I ever needed. And when I need him most he's not here. ITs so so hard.

The stories give me hope.
My grammy called me today and said she thought too, that someone stole him. That doesn't help. I came back on teh computer because i'm jsut crying and shaking so uncontrollably...I just can't possibly sleep right now.

I'll be elaving for convention on Friday, as planned. I considered not going but ther'es al ot of people expecting me there. And my friend Tracey won't be ablet o go unless I go, as she is driving up by herself and her mum doesn't want her to be alone. Erron will be staying home to take care of the bunnies and keep an eye out for Seth. I'll be taking all the numbers with me and doing my share of calling.

My daddy madea big sign about Seth and put his picture on it in the front yard, so people know where to return him to.

When I went door to door today, I never realized how many people have dogs. about 80% of the houses I visited had dogs. So I think a lot of people could sympathize with me.

Its funny how i've tried talkign to my friends, and most of them are like '' well sorry I hope you find him, he'll come back'' and thats that. That was all online too, I would have thought someoen would have cared to call, but its no big deal I guess, It doesn't bother me that much. Though after my friend had her baby I called her every day and sent her texts throughout the day to check on her.

I hope somebody finds my boy soon.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, they help. ITs kinda sad, but I really do appreciate it that you guys have ben more helpful and supportive than the friends I have around here.

Standby for baby pictures...
Oh, Sweetie...I hope you don't think we don't care...we care SO MUCH and are with you through this whole thing.

It's so aweful to lose your best friend, especially when that best friend is of the furry type. You wish you could do something to find him, wish he knew how to call home...it's so scary not knowing where he is...or how he's doing.

I really hope it's not that someone stole him...and I really hope he returns home soon. I mentioned Seth to my husband last night...that I was hoping the next time I heard from you, it would be to hear that your baby was back home.

I hope I hear that word soon...you have my love and prayers, Sweetheart.

Hugs and love,

I wish that I was as all-knowing as you.

Its one more night not knowing where he is, why he can&#39;t come home, who has him, if he&#39;s safe, if he&#39;s warm, if he&#39;s fed.

I&#39;d give anything for that knowledge.

Its 4AM. And I know nothing.
I&#39;m so sorry to hear about seth he is such a gorgeous boy, i don&#39;t think anyone has suggested this yet, but if at worse case someone has stolen him, maybe look on the net for ads of dogs like him for sale in your area and just tell as many friends to pass the word around in case someone is trying to sell him privately for cash, and if you do see ads for a similar dog do not say you lost one like him just say you think it is cute so you can get to see the dogs and you will know if it is him
Yeah, I&#39;ve been doing that. I&#39;ll be checkin the pennsysaver for dogsf or sale or found ogs, and the paper. I&#39;ve fearedt his also.

I&#39;ve been telling EVERYBODY. I&#39;ve sent out bulletins to my friends, even people I hardly talk to or that don&#39;t live very close.

Erron&#39;s printing up another 100 flyers on his way home from work and my friend Daphne is putting one up the the community college and at the humane society.

I&#39;m running out of ideas. ITs just hard to bleive i&#39;ve really done EVERYTHING...
Ya know...I totally forgot! My sister&#39;s dog, Daisy, was stolen when she was just a tiny puppy. The idiots thought she was a Pitbull (she was a BOXER...like I said, Idiots). When they realized that (a) she wasn&#39;t a pitbull, and (b) she didn&#39;t have a mean bone in her body (to train as a guard dog), they just let her go.

She was gone for about two weeks...and those two weeks were he-double-hockeysticks for my family, let me tell you. We&#39;d all fallen head-over-heels for her already, and my sister had only had her for a few months.

Two weeks went by, and they had put posters up all over the place (but not even HALF the places you have), and someone called saying they thought that the puppy was possibly wandering around a Taco Bell nearby.

So, they went there, and low-and-behold...there was little Daisy, trying to find food...dirty and hungry, but otherwise totally okay!!

So, Sweetie...there is hope, believe me. If Seth was indeed stolen, maybe they thought him to be a full-blooded wolfdog breed (the names are escaping me right at the moment), or some such. And, once they realize he&#39;s not, maybe they&#39;ll let him go, and, like in my sister&#39;s case, someone&#39;ll see him (as you&#39;ve got the word out to everyone right now) and give you a call.

I have hope for you and Seth...I&#39;m certain your baby boy will come back to your loving arms. You can&#39;t love someone that much, and not see them again...I don&#39;t see how all your time and energy trying to find him could come to that end.

You will have my love and prayers until you find him...and beyond, Hun. :)

Hugs and love,

Thanks for all your support...

Still no Seth. No one phone call. When my sister gets off the bus, she always says one of her friends saw Seth. But they never say when and they never call, and its hard tot ake the word of a 6 year old. But the one girl said she saw him on he road which is right by me and I planned on putting up flyers there anyways so I did. Ip ut up flyers everywhere
my dad and mum and I have talked to anyone walking a dog. EVeryone&#39;s been really nice...I hope.

We printed out another 100 flyers today and i&#39;m going out soon door to door again. Everyone here has been real supportive and offering to help. I reallt hope my boy comes home.

I checked the pennysave to see if anyone is selling a dog, there was a husky-lab mix but it was free so I don&#39;t think thats him. besides, he went missing late monday night, the earliest someoen could have placed an ad would be the following mornign and it still wouldn&#39;t be placed until NEXT wednesday.

I placed an ad in pennysave, craigslist, and the BC times. I was going to check on craisglist for dogs for sale but it says you&#39;re not allowed to advertise animsls on there. I dunno. I&#39;ll check again.

I called every vet in the area and faxed them a flyer and told them Seth may have been stolen, so to keep an eye out for people bringing in dogs that look like him.

I can&#39;t believe....I haven&#39;t gotten ONE...phonecall....

With all that i&#39;ve done...and all the people that are helping me...and all the flyers i&#39;ve distributed....why can&#39;t I find him?

I emailed like 5 radio/news statiosn yesterday with Seth&#39;s picture and description, date missing, blah blah blah.


I really think they shoul start microchipping dogs with GPS
I keep thinking about him all day and I get a little hope when I come on and see you posted here. Then it doesn&#39;t say what I want it to say. SETH, JUST COME HOME!

Jesse, you&#39;re doing an awesome job. Even if he was stolen or somebody found him and is only half-heartedly looking for his owner, you&#39;re putting enough pressure on them that they will have to give him up eventually, so all that&#39;s left to do is to keep doing what you&#39;re doing.

All I can suggest is to expand your area of coverage -- sending flyers and info sheets to petstores,vets, shelters,police stations, etc,right across the state.He&#39;s a unique enough looking dog thatnobody will even think they&#39;ll be able to keep him without being recognized.

And don&#39;t take shelters and animal control outfits at their word. I&#39;m constantly reading about people looking for their pets and didn&#39;t connect because of miscommunications and the like. Ijust read one aboutpeople visiting a shelter lookingfor their cat, who turned out to be in a back room they didn&#39;t have access to.

I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll find him.:hug:

That&#39;s great! I know she was planning on going to the PA State Rabbit Convention this weekend and it would not have been much fun having to worry about a lost dog all weekend.

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