Puppy's missing - **HE'S HOME!!**

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I just wanted to post something, asking for good vibes and prayers for JAK Rabbitry (Jesse)...

Her big ol' puppy dog, Seth, has been missing since 7pm last night, and they haven't had one ounce of luck in finding him yet. He's not the brightest bulb in the bunch, so she's really worried that he's gotten lost somewhere or some such.

Can you guys maybe give suggestions on what she can do to find him? She's already done a ton, but maybe someone will think of something she hasn't thought of yet?

So, can you send your love her way? She's been really going through the wringer emotionally over worry for her big ol' Seth...

Thank you, guys...

Aww, Jesse, I'm so sorry, I hope you find him!:pray:

I know perfectly well what it's like for a pet to go missing, I don't know if anyone remembers butour little cat, Mittengot lost in November and we haven't seen her since. I still cry for her...

All the advice I can give is posters, ring all the local vets, shelters etc. Hopefully somebody will know something:)
I hope you find him Jesse. Do you have any neighbors? Let everyone around know to keep an eye out for him.

Darn, I really hope you find him unharmed and safe. Poor baby probably did get lost.

Crystal :pray:
I was out looking for him until midnight last night. I got sick. Erron got sick. Erron never gets sick. Erron was also freezing. HE never gets cold either. He wears a tshirt int his kidn of weather. He was bundled up this time though.

I cried all night uncontrollably and I keep getting the shakes. I can't stop shaking. Even just sitting here I bear a close resemblence to the other-business end of arattlesnake. I just want him to come home. I want more than anything to bury my face in his fur and tell him over and over again how much I love him so very very much.

I still can't stop bawling. All. Freaking. DAy. Its ridiculous. I've never cried so much in my life. Not even when my Uncle Died. Or my grandma, either. Probably because I knew I couldn't change those things. But It kills me not knowing where he is, if he's ok, what happened to him, is he hungry? Is he cold? Why hasn't anyone called me? WHY!?
I haven't eaten or slept. It took everything I had to make myself brush my hair, because I know I'd be crying if I skipped a day.

Seth's tracks (we're hoping they were his) led off into the woods and Erron followed them for nearly a mile on foot in the snow. He lost the trail and got too cold and had to come home. Bless him.

I tried taking our other dog out to see if she could pick something up, but she just peed everywhere and drug me around and it was upsetting that all she could think about was getting laid by a boy doggy.

I was at Kinkos today at 8AM printing out flyers and I hung them up at every grocery store, supperette, pet store, and feed store I could find. Even the post office. I drove around and put them on people's mailboxes and I knocked on doors and asked aroudn and handed out flyers and photos but I think because my eyes are so red and my skin and hair are starting to leave my face....people think i'm a drug dealer or something.

I'm so sick and miserable and I think I have pinkeye or something exploded in that region. Eiher way half my head is swollen and I can't see out of my left eye and because I automatically hold it closed, the other one kind of closes too and they're both so sensitive to light I'm easily snow blinded. I drive and walk up and down the streets calling his name but no Seth.

I call the police station severeal times a day. along with every animal shelter i've contacted. I called West pa Hs, Butler Hs, animal friends, beaver co hs, monroeville hs, mckees rocks hs, and like 6 other ones I'd never heard of .

I really miss my puppy. I just keep hoping he'll come home but every minute that goes by I worry more and more and more because no one's turned him in so does that mean he's outside in teh cold? Who's feeding him? Its so cold! So cold....

I'm such a wreck. No one can ever possibly understand how much Sethro means to me. I'd sdo anythin to have him back. He's my whole world. HE helps me feed bunnies and he goe EVERYWHERE with me and he makes people happy. Most of all, me.

Because he's so beautiful and because he's such a great great dog....I really really worry soooo much that someone stole him. Someone took him away from me. This is such a living nightmare!!! I'm goign to throw up again...

I've never screamed and cried at the same time before. Erron's a wreck because he doesn't know what the hey to do with me.I don't know what to do with me. I feel like i'm dying very very slowly. Go on wikipedia and look up the goat torture. This is worse than that. This is a living hell. I feel neither alive nor dead. If he doesn' come home soon i'm not goign to make it, I can't.
I'd do the following things in addition to what you've done..

a. Call the local radio stations in the morning if they have some sort of a call in show for trading things (swap shop or whatever). Ask them to announce about your dog missing.

b. Put an ad in the newspaper.

c. Go to craigslist.com for your area (I hope I have the right addy for the site) and post his photo and an ad for free.

I know you're upset about him being out in the cold - I would be too. But two things to remember:

a. With their fur, dogs can sometimes stay warmer than we think.


b. Perhaps some kind-hearted soul has taken him in and is taking care of him? He could be curled up by a nice warm fireplace.....and not out in the cold. Remember - if someone took him in....he wouldn't be able to get back home right away - but he would be safe.

I'm praying for you and for him. I've had pets go missing for several days and then show up again....so keep holding on.

My dad had his cat get loose last winter during a horrible storm. He put up fliers and searched everywhere for him. Turns out a family several miles away had taken him in and they eventually took him to the humane society. So keep up hope.

I would actually go into the humane society and look to be sure. Sometimes they are so busy animals can get lost in the shuffle.

I'll be praying for Seth's safe return, and for you :pray:
I did put an ad inthe pennysaver.
I'l ltry craigslist, thanks

He had two forms of identification on him. So if someone found him, why have they not called me? whyyyyyy *sob* I called immediately when I found a lost dog. His owners hadn't known he was missing.

I guess I could try to find some radio thingiets o call, i'm not sure where to begin that search

thanks for the info
Actually go in to your animals services or humane society. They may not know all of the dogs that are in or descriptions may be wrong. and go in every few days.
I so hope you find your Seth!! I know how terrible it is to have a lost animal, and not knowing where they are or what's happening to them just kills you.

It must be especially hard in the cold weather, wondering whether your puppy's warm and safe!

My beloved bunny passed away on the weekend, completely unexpectedly and I know how it feels to just cry and cry until you are sick!!!

I will keep you and your Seth in my thoughts, and pray for a good outcome.

Thanks for the support, and i'm sorry for your loss.

I jsut can't think of Seth being....not alive...somewhere.... without me...cold...

My poor big dumb puppy....

Still, no one has called me. One lady called earlier to say she might have seen Seth, but it wsa before he was missing.

Its killing me being so in the dark with so many possibilities and none of them happy thoughts.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts too :hug2:
One of my friends found a dog just about a week and a half ago, and she was wandering around in the snow as well (At twelve years old!), and she'd been missing since the seventh. I saw a flyer outside my school and immediately called my friend and they got her back to her owners that day.
So maybe try around your local schools as well?
Here's hoping you find him as soon as possible :pray:
yeah my old Elementary school is right down the street from me...its since been converted into a church/christian school so i'm hoping to find some good hearted people there who will take home some flyers and hang them up in the rooms and at the churchy part.

The story about the 12 year old dog was very helpful. Seth is only a little over a year old and has an undercoat like nobody's buisness. The groomer wanted $40 just to bath him because of it. I said no i'll buy soem suave and do it m'self. geez.

I keep having dreams that he's come home...and then the phone wake me and I rush to it and its another one of mum's friends asking ''did you find him yet?''
I tell them no and I don't knw where he is...but what I really want to say is:

"No, when I find him i'll set off fireworks. You think if I knew where he was that may have helped me just a little bit!? You're tying up my phone line! "

I've always thought it might be a good idea to get my lips pierced togehter. My mouf can get me in troubles.
Today Erron and I printed out more flyers. And walked around the neighborhood handing out flyers and talking to people. I was outside for over 2.5 hours, until 7:30 at night. I handed out every flyer and called it a day.

My Grammy called and got my info, and posted an ad in the Times. Bless her.

I gave flyers to my sister's school bus driver.

I caleld the police and all the humane societies 2-3 more times throughout the day.

I emailed Ellend Degeneres asking for help. It may be a long shot, but she's a ery kidn woman who loves animals and helping people....I figured it's worth a shot, and i'm running out of ideas.

I emailed 4-5 local news/radio shows in the area with Seth's info askign if they'd make an announcement.


My mum's friend, who volunteers at the humane society, is goign to pick up some flyers and distribute and check for Seth.

Mum and I are goign to some local sheleters to look for my boy

Printing 100 flyers this time.

Talkign to more people

Call my vet and let them know Seth is missing, maybe I can fax them a flyer to hang up since it's a bit of a drive out there. Seth's rabies vaccintion tag clearly says MOBILE VET - DARLINGTON PA - phone number.

He also has a little bone name tag with my info on it, but in the event he loses one.


Look at my sweet boy's face...stickin' his tongue out at me.... this is my desktop picture, Its so sad to see him on my computer so happy and at home...and to know he's not.

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