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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
salisbury, , United Kingdom
Hi its lorna (loz) I have been on the site for alittle while now andI thought I would tell you my good news Ihave a PUPPY! I am so happy,he is black and white and hassome brown on his sides and above his eyes. He is a border collie whenI got him he was 6 weeks and now he is nine.The breeder lethim go to early really but would not hold on to him for any longer. Mysister already has a two and a half year old tri coloured border colliedog with whom she does agility and obedience.

If you click on the link to see his picture you will see he is striking the x factor pose.


He is just too adorable! :inlove:
What a gorgeous puppy Harry is! I just loveborder collies...they are supposed to be at the top of the intelligencechain when it come to dog breeds, and they're just so full of energyand fun, andentertaining!LOL...you will probablyhave quite the Christmas morning with him running about! Of course withthose good looks of his, Harry will most likely get away with a lot...;)
Its true that they are very inteligant he has almost learnt to sit and he is only nine weeks!!

last night I got in to bed and as I pulled my cover up it reveald harryfast asleep at the end of my bed I was going to let him stay there butI though I better put him down stairs in his bed.
Very handsome! I too have a dog, he is calledShep he is 14 years old so he is getting on abit. We have always haddogs and we will probably get a puppy when poor Shep passes....hopefully not too soon but the vet has given him 1 more year bless him.


Cat x
Oh wow!! That's awesome...makes mewant a pup like yours! (Though I don't think my two kittieswould appreciate that ONE BIT! LOL!)

Cute cute cute...snuggly warm puppy...:)

marbleandloz wrote:
Its true that they arevery inteligant he has almost learnt to sit and he is only nine weeks!!

last night I got in to bed and as I pulled my cover up it reveald harryfast asleep at the end of my bed I was going to let him stay there butI though I better put him down stairs in his bed.

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