Pulling/chewing fur out of chest and "fuzzy butt"

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I've read this whole thread. And I hope your bunny, Peter starts feeling better. You really love him and you just want to do the best for him. You've been willing to listen and take advise from other people. I think once the doctor finds out whats wrong with Peter it will be less frustrating for you.

Keep up the good work :) Keep us updated on Peter.

I also think that you're really trying very hard to help him and I'm glad that your parents are beginning to listen to you.

You've given us a lot of informationon Peter which is a sign to me that you do really care about him.:)

If it is a behavioral problem like self mutilation all possible physical reasons for the behavior should be ruled out first

Please keep us up-dated
Autumn that's such a clever idea! I never would have thought of that. It's such a simple solution too.

I was going to call the vet today but I forgot that they're closed on weekends. Today my Dad said that he was going to the farmer's supply store and he asked if I wanted him to get anything for Peter. I wrote down some of the food brands you suggested and the quote: "Try to find something with no more than 14% protein, 2% fat, and at least 20% fiber if possible. Avoid seeds, dried fruits and veggies, and corn. The first ingredient should be timothy hay. Alfalfa is ok if it has the right protein and fat numbers." I also asked him to look for kiln-dried pine bedding or wood stove pellets.

I woke up from my nap to find three 5lb. bags of rabbit food, 1 bag of Carefresh Pet Bedding, 1 bag of Feline Pine Original, and a copy of the 2009 Annual Rabbits USA magazine outside my bedroom door. I must say he outdid himself.

The food is called Zupreem Nature's Promise Premium Rabbit Food Made From Timothy Hay (long name). It says it has no soy, no wheat, and no pesticides. The crude protein is 14.0%, crude fat is 1.0%, and crude fiber is 28.0%. And it's just pellets, no colorful stuff. ;)I put 1/4 cup of food in Peter's bowl - 1/2is his old food, 1/2 is the new food. He picked out and ate all of his old food before trying the new food, lol.

The Carefresh Pet Bedding I've used before. It's not too expensive, but we were using it for 4 rodents, 3 of which are living in (what I consider) large cages. We stopped using it because it was getting too costly. But, my Dad says it's not a problem for just one rabbit cage. All of the other rodents don't seem bothered by the aspen shavings we've been using. Anyway this bedding is made from reclaimed short-fiber pulp that can't be made into paper. It's pine and cedar oil free, and it's free of ink, dyes, clays, and chemicals used in the paper making process. It's also sanitized to 380 degrees Fahrenheit to reduce bacteria, mold, and fungus. I don't thinkPeter (or anyone)can possibly be allergic to this stuff.

The Feline Pine litter was too heavy for me to use in his entire cage. The bottom of the cage is sort of suspended. If there is too much wait, the plastic bin will bend and fall. Unfortunately we've experienced this once with my sister's rabbit (he was ok just stunned and in need of rescue). The bottom of these cages basically work like a drawer. I can explain it or show it to you later if anyone is curious about it. But anyway...I cleaned Peter's cage and used the Carefree bedding. I put some of the Feline Pine in the corner he uses as a bathroom. I like to use some kind of litter in the corner so I can scoop out his poops between cage cleanings (weekly). I didn't see anywhere on the Feline Pine about it being kiln-dried.Willit still beokay to use?

The magazine my Dad bought has been really informative and interesting. It relayed many of the things you've already said and I learned a new game that Peter likes! In the very back it lists names of vets by location. It says the listings are sent to the magazine by the veterinarian offices. It only listed one in Wilmington but I expect that they are more experienced than my current vet. The staff at my current vet said that they never see rabbits or really any exotic animals come in - just cats in dogs. I'm sure my vet is qualified but I think I'll try this other place.

I saw that you didn't have any vets listed for Wilmington, NC when I looked at your vet directory earlier. I added my vet to it but I think I'll go edit that post andreplace it withthe information that was listed in this magazine. The magazine's vet directory is really long. I think it'd be a great place to check for updates for your site's directory.

...going to call this other place a.s.a.p. and make an appointment for Peter, and I'll ask about an E-collar while I'm there. Peter is loving all of this extra attention by the way. :p

Feline Pine is A-1.. Many of us have used it with success. You're good to go!
What a wonderful dad you have!
I've got my guys litter trained, using carpet/folded towel for the bottom of the cage, and a litterpan full of litter in corner. More cost-effective too! Stray poops are OK, but they know enough to pee in the box. Peter probably does too :)

Actually, you can make your own E-collar at home out of a washcloth...

It will also help if a salve of some nature needs to be applied.

Lemme find that thread...
And another similar one...

If it does turn out to be self-mutilation, JimD would be able to help a lot on that point.

I had one more brain-fart...
Are you using a crock or waterbottle? I seem to remember a rabbit on here that was dunking her dewlap in the crock/bowl, and wound up with major itching... tore her dewlap/chest open.
If Peter has rolls of flesh there, or around neck, he may be itchy from being damp/fungal growth.
Just a thought...

Keep up that extra attention... he'll thrive on your love & attention (as you're noticing!)

ETA: Upon further research, apparently Guinea Pigs don't do well with corncob bedding either[looks yummy :p=blockages] :( My error, and apologies.
Thanks Autumn

yes a soft e-collar is the way to go as the hard ones are really uncomfortable for the rabbits and tnot worth the stress of one if you can make a soft one
Yay! Good stuff already said. I have heard good things about the Zupreem as well, so that should do him good!
Well I thought that the vet I saw in the magazine sounded likea good one, but when I tried to call it said the number was temporarily unavailable and when I checked their website it wasn't a valid domain. I guess they went out of business. I called the vet office located in Petsmart and they referred me to another one.

I was able to bring Peter in this afternoon. The vet was very thorough and listened to everything I said about what I'd tried. He and the tech loved Peter. They kept commenting on how soft and sweethe is. Peter wasn't scared at all. He let everyone handle him andhe wasdigging in the towel that was on the table and trying to explore.

He said that all the changes I've made have been good and it's helped narrow down the possibilities. I mentioned I'd sought help on a forum and told him about your thoughts - which he took seriously. He didn't think it was sexual frustration but he didn't rule that out. I asked about doing a scraping but he said that he'd rather not unless he was anesthetized (I agreed with him after he explained). He didn't actually check for fungus because I said he'd been checked for that last time.

He explained that in many species, some animals pick at sores, which makes it worse so they pick at it more, and so on. He thinks that that's why it's progressing so quickly all of a sudden. I described how Peter will play with toys and put them down to groom his chest. Hesaid that it's probably itchy and that's why he won't leave it alone.

The treatment: He gave Peter a shot to help with the itching (it was probably cortizone) and he gave me the same antibiotics that I used last time, to be given to him twice a day for a week. The antibiotics are to help with the sores since that seemed to work last time. The antibiotics are a cherry flavored liquid called Bactrim. He asked me to call him in a week and let him know how things looked. He thinks it's possible thatchanging his bedding and diet will clear things up but that will take time to see. He said that if it still doesn't clear up, that the next step would be to take a biopsy and look at the type of cells present.

So I guess we'll see what happensover the next week. :)

Also, I found out that Peteris 6.7 lbs. The vet also thinks he is a mini lop rex, like you said. I thought the appointment was cheap. With the cost of the medicine it was a total of $76. I overheard the clients around me checking out their dogs for a routine checkup and it cost them around $115. I hadexpected his appointment to at least cost as much as a dog. It was a really nice facility, I was impressed.
pop an e-collar on, and you should be golden :)

ETA: Sounds like you have a wonderful vet... many poo-poo online suggestions, and refuse to consider anything outside of their own limite experience. That price is extremely low; he sounds like a keeper!
I could make a bunny shirt out of a sock. I could also try and fashion a soft e-collar. That was a helpful link you posted. I'm mainly worried that the cloth will irritate his chest though. Should I use a sock and line it with something? Should I try and make an e-collar? What material should I use?
I can't get him to take his antibiotics for anything. I tried swaddling him in a towel but beacause he's so soft he slips right out and I can't keep a hold on him. I tried squishing him against the floor with my arm around him. He kicks and he has really sharp claws and I can't keep a grip on him. I tried putting some on my fingers to see if he would just lick it off but he ran away. I'd almost rather give him a shot, I think that'd be easier than this. I can get my sister to try and help, but even when we had to give him antibiotics before, with two people it always took at least 30 minutes and Peter was really stressed out at the end.

What do I do? :(

His chest already looks better by the way.
You need to find a second person to help you; it should notbe so terrible as you described but some buns are really squirmy

you can make a bunny burrito fairly tight with the buns head out ; I mean wrap him up tight in a towel but don't turn him upside down

Ihave seen buns squirm out of a towel but then wrapped it tighter

Iwill see if any videos are around
Hmmm, alright. When my sister comes home later this afternoon I'll try again. It's so difficult just to get him in a towel. He's figured out what I'm up to.He's being sucha difficult bunny. :rollseyes

A bunny burrito isa good description, lol. Thanks. :)
My sister and I have gotten good at giving Peter antibiotics, lol.

Well it's been a week and I'm supposed to call the vet today andlet him know how Peter is doing. His chest has been looking so much better. The fur is really starting to grow back in the center. The red sores are all gone. For a couple of days I didn't catch him botheringthe areaat all. But now that it's the end of the treatment, he's starting reallygoingat the edges again. It's more licking than pulling/chewing though, which is an improvement I guess. I wonder if this has started again because the cortizone shot has worn off.

I'll call the vet later today and see what he thinks we should do. He may want me to bring him back in for a biopsy.

About the second or third day of the treatment I caught him one morning really going at it. I made a soft e-collar which was effective but he instantly looked so heartbroken that I had to take it off. After trying to get it off he finally laid down and refused to get up, even when I tried to nudge him up. He didn't even move while I removed the e-collar. After about 5 minutes he got up and went to his bed to lay down and look emo. It's nice to know that the e-collar worksbut I hope that I don't ever have to resort to using one.

I hope that if we do a biopsy,he won't have tohave an e-collar.