Puck's Wry Neck Thread

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I know that there are other members who have wry neck bunnies - but I thought I'd take a bit of time to share about Puck's Wry Neck and let folks follow his progress with some treatments.

DISCLAIMER: Just because I use a particular method of treatment - I am not saying don't visit a vet. My vet leaned towards having my first wry neck victim put down. I talked to other breeders and found a website and followed the suggestions. I found that it helped my rabbit...and I have found that it has helped the other rabbits I've had that have gotten wry neck. I suspect it is because inmy cases - the wry neck was caused by parasites. I have had great success with this method although at times - two of my bucks have had relapses - usually if they get dehydrated or if we have a weather change (hot/cold/ then hot again) and they get a draft or something.


SEE A VET and discuss with him your rabbit if they have wry neck!

HISTORY:Puck was born in the spring of 2005 (I don't have his brith date handy). We got him in May of 2005. In late August of2006, he developed wry neck very suddenly and was found rolling on the floor and unable to keep his balance at all. Within a week he was stabilized but not overly great. With the second treatment, he was able to run around some and appeared to be better. He rarely ever showed symptoms of wry neck - only at the end of the day if he had been running around a lot.

In October of 2005, right after a spell of cold weather - he had a relapse. It also appeared like perhaps his water bottle was clogged a bit....but it had been filled the night before...so we are not sure if he dehydrated or what.

This was a really bad relapse. Looking back on it - I think he was too dehydrated when I gave him the meds and he had a bad reaction to it. I remember telling Art, "We're losing Puck" and asking Art to hold him.To this day, I swear Art gave Puck the will to live while being held and by the time Art woke up from a nap three or four hours later....Puck was starting to be alert. I was in shock....but very very happy.

Since October and his treatments, Puck has been living in our bedroom as a free roaming rabbit. Unfortunately, we never could litter train him and we decided he had to be caged. He's been in a cage now for a couple of weeks.

I honestly believe based upon my observations of Puck and other wry neck rabbits I've had - that this is the worst thing to do for a wry neck rabbit. I find that as long as they can stand up - they NEED exercise and that the more they run - the more it seems to strengthen their muscles. However, that is just opinion.

A couple of days ago, Puck started showing the symptoms of wry neck again. He still has his balance and he is not rolling...but his head is definitely tilted. I was just cleaning his cage a bit ago and decided to put him outside and take some pictures and videos of him.

Over the next two weeks of his treatment, I will try to continue to take photos of him to show his improvement (now watch him NOT improve just to show me up).

His Treatment:

Tonight, Puck is going to get a dose of Ivermectin paste and pipperazine (wormer medicine). I have to weigh him first as he only gets 4 drops PER POUND of the wormer medicine. I'm guessing he's about3 pounds.

I will also start putting the contents of one echinacea capsule in his water bottle and see if he drinks it that way. If not - I will either mix the contents with a bit of pedialyte and syringe it into him - or mix it with baby food and spoil him that way. I probably should just give it to him one of those ways as that way I'll know he gets the whole things - whereby if it is in his water bottle - he may not get it all. (I've only done the water bottle method once and it worked well).

He will get one echinacea capsule today - mainly to help his immune system.

I also plan to give him some critical care - (hey - I can mix the echinacea in that). Why critical care? I just want him to have some extra nutrition as I find that the pin worm medicine knocks him out a bit for a day or so.

Photos and video:

April 22:

Peg, I just want to say that this is an awesome thing to do! I love seeing your videos anyway:D.Showing him as he changesfor people that deal with it is just the most wonderful thing, to show them and teach them how it can be handled. I will watch this thread. I find this fascinating. I love hearing you talk and talk to the bunnies(in the other threads). I hope he snaps out of this one, I'm sure he will, he has you:hug2:.

Take care dear.

Good Luck Puck, you little cutie! I can't wait to see you again. I love how you said bye to us in the videoby wavingyour ear:).