proper weaning

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Active Member
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
My kits will be five weeks old this week and areeating pellets and hay like crazy.It seems to me my Doe Gigiwants to get away from them, as she picks up the litter pan and movesit between her and the kits to sleep...then they try to climb over tosleep on top of her and she shakes them off and hops away. Can someoneexplain ifI should take her out and bring her back to nurseonce a day and anything elseI should know? The kits are sofat they look like grapefuit with ears!!!
The kits can be easily weaned at thisage. If you put them in a cage right next to mom, they don'teven realize what's going on :)

Thanks, you are such abig:D help youknow! What would I have done w/o all your advice!Lucky Gigi will be so happy!!! I dont think she can take much more.:?

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