Wow Bunnys_rule63! I was going to sayyour garden must be HUGE! But if your bunnies take up most of yourgarden (like mine

) then it must be average sized!
I love your run ideas! They do look very safe. Doyou leave them out all day? Or only when you are watchingthem? My rabbits roam free of my bunny proof garden, but onlywhen I am about. But they havea large run attachedto their hutches that they stay in for most of the day.
This is Peppers hutch and run attached. She spends alot of the day inher run. When it rains she has the sence to go up into herhutch anyway. At night I lock her up in her hutch with a trapdoor. She has got it off a few times :shock:but itsnow safely secured with a nice heavy brick onto

I put thecover over the hutch at night, and a thinner one in thesummer.
This is Dotties hutch and run attached. Its basically the same story as Peppers!
And just out of interest, this is my guinea pigs hutch andrun. The hutch was bought but my dad made the run.We shut them in the hutch at night also with a cover down. They tend tostay in their hutch when they have eaten all the grass in their run,and when the weather isnt nice.