Hmm, I’m so not sure what to think. Do you think it’s a false pregnancy or a real one? It seems like it’s just a waiting game, especially because she is quite young. I’d give it one more week and if you have no babies, I’d consult a vet (either by phone or email, as I know you can’t get to one).
Oh how cute!!! I may have to reread all the post and replys on here to keep me busyKeep waiting! I know it sucks, but she will have them in her own time. I don't see any reason to worry. If she is pulling fur that means that she is probably pregnant.
In the meantime, here is my waiting story (it is about cats, but whatever):
June 2018 we got 2 cats who are sisters, Milly and Primrose (Prim). We planned on getting them fixed as soon as we got them, but my parents forgot. February of 2019 Milly ran off for 5 days and brought back a friend. Turns out he was a boyfriend, and Prim easily stole his heart. Before we knew it we had 2 pregnant cats, both due within five days of one another. Uncle-daddy (the boy cat that got them both pregnant) disappeared. He is called "Uncle-daddy" because he is the dad of both litters, therefore the Uncle, and the father. I got busy transforming our shed into a nursery for cats. The moms each had their own birthing box and food and water bowls.
On April 1st I went to Nashville with my mom. Worst decision ever. On the 3-hour car ride back, my sister called telling us that Milly had had 4 babies. We thought it was an April fool's prank, but it was not. I was so mad and just wanted to get home, but I was 3 hours from home and had to go to my brother's baseball game. When I finally got home it was close to midnight, but I still visited the babies.
2 days later, April 3rd, Prim went into labor. I knew that morning that Prim was acting weird so I kept a close eye on her, and then put her in the shed while I cleaned Theo's playpen. She started meowing super loudly so I just pet her. I was with her for all seven babies.
The moms did great birthing and feeding the babies. The next months I cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned up after all 11 kittens.
She seems to be calming down a bit.It sounds normal. I wouldn’t check for them too often or press to hardly as it could hurt her.
Raising Rabbits (The Pregnant Rabbit - Five Clues to knowing a blessed day is coming) says:
Fifth Clue: Sudden and random jerking of her sides during her last week of pregnancy. That will be little bunny-feet kicking around in her womb. Look for quick little kicks, especially when she's laying on her side. You'll know it when you see it. And when you see it, you've definitely got a pregnant rabbit. Don't confuse the little kicks with the rhythmic rolling movement of the rabbit's intestines, however. Actually, the two are very easy to tell apart, especially when you've seen both.
Does she seem to be calming down from her protectiveness or is she still defensive?
Hmm, it sounds like it could be a false pregnancy. But you won’t really know until she just becomes totally normal again. Either after she has the kits, or after she realises that she isn’t pregnant. Are you planning on spaying her after all this?She seems to be calming down a bit.
Could it be her hormones as to what is going on?Flicking urine is usually a sign of her marking her territory. So she’s basically claiming you. I’m not sure why she’s doing it though.
That’s fine. She might go through that more times if she isn’t spayed. To keep her cool, you can:Sadly i believe it was a false pregnancy. Its not possible that she is still pregnant. Also wondering how to keep her cool during warm weather.
Why so sad, I thought you'd be happy since you said you never bred herSadly i believe it was a false pregnancy. Its not possible that she is still pregnant. Also wondering how to keep her cool during warm weather.