Wow, Carolyn, you're just full of useful information!
How much garlic would be sufficient, and is there any detrimentin giving too much?
I had to have one post transplant and I can tell you it is wonderful.Before I used one I had terrible allergies (to the point of vomitingevery morning from drainage)but since I've used one I'm muchmuch better.I soooo want one of those Sharper Image Ionic Breeze purifyers, but weneed to save up for one. They're expensive, but as far as I'mconcerned, the best out there.
I suffer from horrible allergies in spring/summer/fall and most ofwinter, although not as bad in the winter thankfully. My allergies areso bad I literally can't fall asleep or stay asleep sometimes.
Haven't found anything in my readings that would back that up.Doyou know if certain breeds are more inclined toward cancer thanothers?
How much cilantro do you give her each time? Like how many of those little stalks?Oh thats great because i've been giving Faye cilantro forher new diet plan(she gets it two times a day. Is that ok.Now I don't smoke in my room but is it a good investment to get a airpurifier( for dust and what not)
The trouble is that too many people think that if a little is good, a lot is better.
Carolyn wrote:
The trouble is that too many people think that if a little is good, a lot is better.
But it's the American Way!