Preventing Cancer

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Try it anyhow. You might be suprised. That was the first thing Bo really took to when I fed him greens...

Upon further reading of Rosemary Grady's studies, I found this.

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Three-day-old brocolli and cauliflower sprouts trigger the formation ofcertain celular enzymes that detoxify many cancer-causing compounds.These sprouts proved to be 10 to 100 times more potent than the maturevegetables.

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3 day old sprouts! So we must grow them ourselves and count the days? Hmm.....

Well, I guess I am going to have some sprouts this spring LOL!
Oh thats great because i've been giving Fayecilantro for her new diet plan(she gets it two times a day. Is thatok. Now I don't smoke in my room but is it a good investmentto get a air purifier( for dust and what not)


Hi Peter,

I have an air purifier. It's amazing how dirty the blades on it get. It's the one from Sharper Image, the Ionic Breeze.

Tucker's allergies used to really get to him. He used to sneeze oftenuntil I got the air purifier. I also really think it helps with thesmell of the hay as well. In my opinion, it was worth every penny.

Don't believe cilantro given twice a day will do any harm to Faye, butdon't do it all the time.They can get too much of agood thing.

Garlic's another one of Mother Nature's cleansers. Tucker loves it. Wassurprised when one day, I was smelling garlic and I couldn't figure outwhere it was coming from. Finally realized that it was Tucker's breathas he sat on the couch next to me and I was sitting on the floor. I hadmade some chili that afternoon and a piece of it dropped, and I wasn'taware of it. I'll have to give him some garlic tonight now that I'mthinking about it.

(Copied this over from an old post I wrote when someone asked aboutgarlic.) Just a side note: garlicjuice administeredto rabbits on high fat diets significantly lowered serum cholesterollevels. It's also said to strengthen and heal theirrespiratory systems, helps their skin eliminate toxins, relaxes theirstomach and reduce gas in their digestive tract, helps their bodydestroy or resist pathogenic micro-organisms, and helps the body removemucus from the respiratory system.

Wow, Carolyn, you're just full of useful information! :D

How much garlic would be sufficient, and is there any detrimentin giving too much?
Wow, garlic? Really?! I'm going to try this.

I soooo want one of those Sharper Image Ionic Breeze purifyers, but weneed to save up for one. They're expensive, but as far as I'mconcerned, the best out there.

I suffer from horrible allergies in spring/summer/fall and most ofwinter, although not as bad in the winter thankfully. My allergies areso bad I literally can't fall asleep or stay asleep sometimes. :(
m.e. wrote:
Wow, Carolyn, you're just full of useful information! :D

How much garlic would be sufficient, and is there any detrimentin giving too much?

I think it's important to do everything in moderation, m.e.

Not sure that it would necessarily do any real damage, but I wouldn'ttake the chance of giving too much because I'd be afraid ofgetting them sick. I know one woman who's rabbit got sickbecause she overdid it on willow. The rabbit is fine todayand still is given herbs for it's liver, but I'd stick to themoderation rule.

Stephanie wrote:
I soooo want one of those Sharper Image Ionic Breeze purifyers, but weneed to save up for one. They're expensive, but as far as I'mconcerned, the best out there.

I suffer from horrible allergies in spring/summer/fall and most ofwinter, although not as bad in the winter thankfully. My allergies areso bad I literally can't fall asleep or stay asleep sometimes. :(
I had to have one post transplant and I can tell you it is wonderful.Before I used one I had terrible allergies (to the point of vomitingevery morning from drainage)but since I've used one I'm muchmuch better.


Thanks, Carolyn, for all this great information!My bunnies love Dandelion!:) I haven't tried the cilantro yet. I'llpick some up tonight.

Do you know if certain breeds are more inclined toward cancer than others?
BunnyMom wrote:
Doyou know if certain breeds are more inclined toward cancer thanothers?
Haven't found anything in my readings that would back that up.

The trouble is that too many people think that if a little is good, a lot is better.

Please, everyone, remember that moderation is important.

dr_peter_kraz wrote:
Oh thats great because i've been giving Faye cilantro forher new diet plan(she gets it two times a day. Is that ok.Now I don't smoke in my room but is it a good investment to get a airpurifier( for dust and what not)

How much cilantro do you give her each time? Like how many of those little stalks?

Bo loves them so I give him a couple at noon sometimes and then he gets at least 6 or 8 with his nightly salad.
What a wonderful post Carolyn - thank you! It'sgreat that so many things that my bunnies like are good for them, theygo wild for dandelion. Never tried garlic, but will do. Of course, theyREALLY like the things that aren't so good for them :?- Jan
Carolyn wrote:
The trouble is that too many people think that if a little is good, a lot is better.

But it's the American Way!
m.e. wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
The trouble is that too many people think that if a little is good, a lot is better.

But it's the American Way!

Ya got that Right! ;)


Check out the 'Planning your rabbit's garden' post if you haven't already.

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Not all rabbits like garlic. My Polish loves Mexican and Italian spices. Tucker will eat garlic like it's a carrot.

All of my furniture is wood. A friend of mine who is a wildlifebiologist told me to keep the rabbits from chewing on the wood, put abit of tabasco sauce on a towel, and then spray some furniture polishon it, and wipe down all the furniture with it. It won't do any damageto the wood or the finish. Tabasco didn't do it for Tucker.

My friend recommended I get this stuff called "Dave's Insanity" overthe internet. It's so hot that you have to sign a release to get it.

I made the mistake of not using gloves the first time I put it on thefurniture...and then I pushed back may hair and then rubbed my eyes. B U R N ! My face and eyes felt like they were on fire. It washorrible. Don't ever make that mistake.

Tucker licks it up the Dave's Insanity like a lollipop and when it'sall gone, he starts chewing again. Luckily, he's gotten much moremellow about the chewing now that he's getting on in his years.

Now Cali's A Different Story! :shock:

How can you wash a water bottle so it gets really clean?

I thought of giving Nepo cilantro earlier today. I also want to try garlic :).

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