President's Dog (bit of a rant)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Thurston County, Washington, USA
So I'm sure you've all heard that President Obama and his family got a Portugese Water Dog from a breeder and all these animal rights activists and stuff are saying that he lied, because apparently he was going to adopt a dog from a shelter.

What ticks me off, is that America was basically trying to decide on a dog for him and tell him where to get it. Honestly, it's not OUR choice whether or not he adopts from a shelter or buys from a breeder - it's his.

I feel he made the correct choice to fit his families needs - especially since Malia has allergies so they needed a dog that would fit that....whatever.

Anyway, who cares if PWD's are high energy dogs?If the Obama's want a high energy dog, then they can have a high energy dog!We shouldn't be the ones telling them to get one that isn't. And we shouldn't be saying Obama is a liar for not getting a dog from the shelter. Sure it would of been nice to get a dog from the shelter, but not everyone goes to shelters.

Just because they have a PWD doesn't mean the whole world is gonna go out and be like "I want a PWD, because the President has one!" And if some people do, so what? That's THEIR choice, not the animal rights activists or anyone elses'.

Anyway, sorry for the rant but it's just been making made since Day 1.

Would love to hear your opinions.

I think it was his "mutt like me" comment that stuck with people so very much...

you can google: obama mutt like me dog adoption -to find tons of commentary on it.
I wish he had adopted a shelter dog too, but really, it's not our business. The Obamas are going to live with the dog, and it's not up to everyone else to make their decision.

As far as PWD's being high energy, they already had a picture of him running through the hall of the White House with him. He is pretty athletic and I think he'll exercise the dog properly.

I agree with you - not our business. We all say things sometimes and do something else. We're just not quoted on it all over the media.

President Obama never promised to get a shelter dog. Here's what he said, in his first post-election news conference:

"This is a major issue. I think it's generated more interest on our web site than
just about anything. We have two criteria that have to be reconciled. One is that
Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic. There are a number of breeds that
are hypoallergenic. On the other hand, our preference would be to get a shelter
dog. But obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me. Whether we're going to
be able to balance those two things is a pressing issue in the Obama household."

I do wish they had gotten a shelter dog, but I agree that whatever dog they got was a choice that should fit with their family. I did hear that they made a donation to the Humane Society.

From what I have heard, the dog was a gift from Ted Kennedy, who has 3 PWD's, himself. I would not be surprised if Kennedy had promoted the breed, which may have influenced the choice. (I have been influenced towards certain breeds of rabbits, from people on this forum, I cannot fault anyone for that.)

But, in the end, I don't really think it's anyone's business except the Obama family's.

Personally, I don't understand why people care so much about this. I care more about the vegetable garden that Mrs. Obama had planted on the White House lawn than about what kind of dog they chose.

As much as I would have liked for him to get a shelter dog....I am very happy that he got a PWD and didn't pay for or get a payed gift of a "Labradoodle" or something of the "poo" :twitch:.
I, for one, am pleased that the Obamas found a dog that fit THEIR owns family needs, despite the fact that rescuing is the potically correct thing to do these days. I think that THIS is a good article about the pros and cons of the Obamas rescuing or buying from a reputable breeder.

I hope that the family doesn't come under as much controversy as Joe Biden did for buying his dog. HERE is an article about what his GSD's breeder has been through since selling the puppy; everything from death threats to citations for minuscule things, such as a piece of kibble on the floor. It's completely rediculous.

Anyway, point is... They tried going through the shelters, they did their research, and PETA and the other Animal Rights groups need to just get over it.

I'm just glad they didn't get a "labradoodle". :p

It's no ones buisness really where they got the dog. As long as the family likes it, and Malia's allergies are taken into account they could of gotten the dog off the streets for all I care. I couldn't give a hoot , as long as their happy.. no one should judge that.
Although I can see both sides to the story, I don't think it's fair for the Obama family to be flamed for the choice they made.

From the sounds of it, there was a lot of consideration made before adopting/purchasing the dog. Not like they just went and supported a random pet store/ puppy mill. Saddens me that ARA will vilify the people who are really doing nothing wrong, and will raise such a fuss when there is far, far, greater evils being done out there in the animal world that could be focused on, instead of raising a fuss over someone buying from a responsible and reputable breeder instead of adopting.

I'm sure this dog won't be one of many who will be neglected or abandoned, seems spoiled enough living in the white house! Lucky lucky dog!
I just wish they'd chosen a Flemish Giant :p. I would sooo love to see a FG running around the White House, LOL.

But seriously, I agree it's their business. Plus they didn't buy the dog, it was a gift, so what's the big deal? AND they donated to a local shelter, so who's complaining.

Cute little doggy though, I love the pic of him running alongside Obama :)
BethM wrote:

President Obama never promised to get a shelter dog. Here's what he said, in his first post-election news conference:

"This is a major issue. I think it's generated more interest on our web site than
just about anything. We have two criteria that have to be reconciled. One is that
Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic. There are a number of breeds that
are hypoallergenic. On the other hand, our preference would be to get a shelter
dog. But obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me. Whether we're going to
be able to balance those two things is a pressing issue in the Obama household."

I do wish they had gotten a shelter dog, but I agree that whatever dog they got was a choice that should fit with their family. I did hear that they made a donation to the Humane Society.

From what I have heard, the dog was a gift from Ted Kennedy, who has 3 PWD's, himself. I would not be surprised if Kennedy had promoted the breed, which may have influenced the choice. (I have been influenced towards certain breeds of rabbits, from people on this forum, I cannot fault anyone for that.)

But, in the end, I don't really think it's anyone's business except the Obama family's.

Personally, I don't understand why people care so much about this. I care more about the vegetable garden that Mrs. Obama had planted on the White House lawn than about what kind of dog they chose.


Sounds like he didn't even say he would adopt a shelter dog and they made a donation so how can you complain about that! It would have been great if they could adopt but it's their choice and they chose a dog that would fit their needs.

Lol! Yes, a flemish giant running around the white house would be hilarious! :D That would certainly educate the world.

Btw what's wrong with labradoodles? :?
It is really their choice what breed they wanted. Millions of Americans can voice their opinions about what they think, but it really comes down to what is right for the Obamas. As far as I know, they did the research and picked the breed that suited their needs and lifestyle. They are really going about finding a dog the right way, pick a breed that suits your life style, then find the dog.
The thing about getting a rarer breed is that there are few breeder and the breeders care deeply about what happens to their dogs. Most breeders require that a dog be returned if the owner cannot keep it, this means that there are very few in shelters needing homes. They basically had to go through a breeder, even if they wanted a rescue as a breeder could have an older dog needing a home because it was returned or no longer needed in the breeding program.
In a way, they did rescue a puppy. The guy who had the puppy (can't remember his name), decided that the puppy was too much for his older dog. The breeder was contacted and OKed it going to the Obamas. So they got a puppy of the breed they wanted without directly going to a breeder and 'ordering' a puppy.
I am glad that they choose what was best for them, not what general people or big organizations pressured them to do.

Numbat- The issue with Labradoodles is that they are a purposely bred mutt. They are also not the low shredders (not dog is hypoallergenic) some people may claim. It is considered irresponsible to breed a mutt for the sake of breeding a mutt. If it was 2 different working breeds bred to work, or a mix bred for a purpose (like being a service dog), it is somewhat different. Just breeding mutts and claiming them to be something else is just wrong. If the Obamas had chosen a lab poodle cross, they may have had an easier time finding a rescue, but if they had gone to a breeder, many people would not have been happy. It would also be saying that designer dogs are ok and would continue the feed puppy mills and bad breeders.
I think its really no one's business and I'm happy he kept a promise he made.

I hope they enjoy the dog.
" the vegetable garden that Mrs. Obama had planted on the White House lawn than about what kind of dog they chose."

she planted a vegetable garden on the White House lawn?.....hmm, that seems kinda tacky. In the back, I can see, but in the FRONT lawn? sigh...purely for PC purposes I suspect.
anneq wrote:
" the vegetable garden that Mrs. Obama had planted on the White House lawn than about what kind of dog they chose."

she planted a vegetable garden on the White House lawn?.....hmm, that seems kinda tacky. In the back, I can see, but in the FRONT lawn? sigh...purely for PC purposes I suspect.
It's on the South Lawn. Which is the back. It is supposed to be near the tennis courts, and is visible to passersby, but it's not in the front.

It's 1,100 square feet, and is supposed to have 55 varieties of fruits and vegetables. The produce will be used in the kitchen of the White House, for regular meals and also for official functions; the excess will be donated to soup kitchens.
They're also working with an elementary school class to teach kids about how to grow your own food.

I believe they also plan on putting in two beehives to make their own honey.

Not "purely for PC purposes."
Not quite sure what's wrong with a veggie garden in the front yard. I think lawns of turfgrass are wasteful and ugly.

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