Pregnant Bunnie

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You really have to keep them apart at all timesor else you will end up with kits and dead ones at that if thebuck gets in again and attacks them! I really can't stressthis enough. You should definately reinforce that wire orelse you will keep finding dead kits.

Are you thinking of the kits at all in this situation? Idon't mean to be harsh, but animals have brains, feelings, thoughts tooand if you don't value the lives of those kits, you really shouldn'tbreed at all. You should do everything in your power to stopthe buck getting anywhere near the doe.

I lost a kit, Esme, on Friday and was devastated, I've criedpractically every day about it since. You don't seem to beshowing any emotion for those dead kits and I think that's the thingthat gets me the most. I'm a very emotional person when itcomes to animals and maybe I expect too much from others due to that,so I apologise if I am crossing any lines, but it's my nature to belike this.

I think you should seriously consider whether breeding is really what you want to do. Just my opinion on the matter.
kookookachoo221 wrote:
Thanks for the advice. I was not planning onbreeding the bunnies but the guy got in there by mistake. Itwas her first litter and the doe was not smart enough to have thebabies in the nesting box. If the doe is pregnant ,again, bymistake then my family and I have agreed that we will be bringing thebunny in our house and seperating the buck completely from thedoe. Right now the doe and buck are just seperated by somewire, and I think the buck is jumping over the top. I willmake sure to have this fixed. Thanks again for allthe advice.

im gonig to go on a bit of a rant here. i apoligize this is my opinion on things.

. how dose the male get into the does cage by mistake????? thisto me says many things. such as the buck dose not have adiquitcaging,if there is not top on the cage then this answers myquestion.... in a reply to my post you said youve done research, iwould like to know about what, the reason im asking isbecause it really does'nt even take reaserch to know rabbits can jumpvery high.all it takes to know is to spend time with them. i am notsure of what breed you have but i have a holland lop shes not any morethan 3 lbs and ive seen her jump 3and 1/2 feet in the air strait up ata stand still. also you would have know a male cannot be in a cage witha female when shes going to have kits.

are your rabbits inside or outside?? if they are outsideanother reason your kits may have died is because its freezing there!!!my brother lives in ohio and everday he tells me how cold it isand howits always snowing.

now im pretty sure you have another litter on the way time tostart thinking about the consequences of not PROPERLY tanking care ofyour animals do you know 15 MILLION animals are euthinized ever year wedont need to add to that number by being carless with our pets. plz forthe sake of your rabbits get a book sit down and read it . find a goodvet and get them fixed and for goodness sake fix your cage this is yourRESPONSIBLITY when you got them there lives became your responsibiltyyou owe it to them to take good care of them because they cant do it onthere own

sorry again this is my biggets pet peve (no pun intende) this really makes me upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really hate to see someone being treated thisway, when they have come to us beseeching our help. Part ofthe success of this board is due to the fact that we attempt torestrain from judging others and their actions.

Please cut this youngindividual some slack. We allmake mistakes (including myself), and these mistakes are part of thelearning experiences of life.

pamnock wrote:
Ireally hate to see someone being treated this way, when they have cometo us beseeching our help. Part of the success of this boardis due to the fact that we attempt to restrain from judging others andtheir actions.

Please cut this youngindividual some slack. We allmake mistakes (including myself), and these mistakes are part of thelearning experiences of life.

Good Call Pam!

Fergi's mom
i am sorry that i ofended anyone . i said beforei ranted that it was my opinion. and it is that and only that. i didnot mean to come off as harsh. i was just saying how i feltim sorry if that upset you. pam i respect you alot! and i am sorrybut as i said that is how i feel and i get upset over thingsthat i deeply care about. i wants aware that koo koo was younger.. soagain i am sorry

hi, how can you guys say that someone doesnt haveexperience etc etc, you cant get experience without experimenting, anddoing it, how do breeders start, breeders dont automatically know howto breed rabbits, they try over and over until they have everythingdown straight, and have gotten the best methods. She failed in herfirst litter, but that just made her wiser, shell know what she didwrong, and shell correct it, and could learn from mistakes. Thisenlightened her to keep the male and female separated. (sorry if ur aguy lol) and im not trying to be rude or anything, but just throwingout my opinion, sorry to hear about the still borns, good luck withyour pending litter
Trying and practice are all well and good, butwhen it comes to the lives of animals you have to be well informedbefore starting your experiments. Scientists don't throw together amess of chemicals without knowing something about each element andpredicting a result. Surgeons don't practice by starting operations onpatients, they learn from books and mentors before the first attempt.When dealing with lives it's very important to gain all the knowledgepossible before endangering your pets.

And I understand that accidents to happen and sometimes even the mostwell informed people make mistakes, but being informed can prevent somedevestating results. Just something to keep in mind...
Before I started breeding Mini Rex, I spent agood portion of a year reading up on rabbits (even though Ithought I knew all there was to know... boy was Iwrong!:)). I spoke to several breeders in the area, visited afew other rabbitries, and attended some show's. I spent mostof my time on the internet, on several rabbit boards going through andreading their archived topic posts to learn about thier experienceswith their rabbits (good and bad).

I figured that if I wanted to experience and enjoy having rabbits, I'dbetter learn all there was about the responsibilities that go intobreeding. After I got my first pair of Mini Rex, It wasn'tuntil 3 months later that I actually had my first litter and got to putinto effect all that I learned.

There is no better tool to a breeder thanresearch. Most Breeders that I know tookthe time to research the lines they have to more accurately decipherwhat will be in each litter, and based on the lines, what traits toexpect (colors, litter sizes, fur, weight,etc.).Most breeders will not purchase a rabbit thatcarries traits that are not wanted in their barns, no matter howawesome that rabbit looks.

I stand by my previous posts on this topic (and otherssimilar). I feel if someone wants to breed / raise rabbits(or any other animal)... GO FOR IT! But be prepared and dothe reasearch first, it's the responsible thing to do -- especiallysince it's in our power and we have the optionto do theresearch first before introducing a pair together and "see whathappens" or "see what we get".

For those that were accidently / mistakenly put into these situations,and are honestly seeking help to be prepared would be working doubletime to read,research, and then ask questions about somethingthat doesn't make sense to them or asking for us for confirmation oftheir plans to prepare for what's to come. Isn't that whythey searched the internet for "Rabbits" in the first place?

SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:
(even though I thought I knew all there wasto know... boy was I wrong!:)).
Hahaha!!!!!! Me too! oh MAN me too! theni joined the arba, got the guidebook and domestic rabbits and then iwas "oooh."


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