Please pray for my cousin, Mark. I just got this email from my aunt today.
Hi Everybody,
Got some news that is not good. Mark had a fall and broke his
back. He had a seizure last Wednesday night, first in more than 8 years.
Thank God he was not driving. He was getting ready to go out and had gone to
his car. He forgot some thing and went back in to the his room at the
rectory when it happened. The other priest heard him fall and called 911. He
is in the hospital, St Edwards, in Naperville. He is not paralyzed but has a
severe star break in the eighth vertebrae. They have put what they call a
clam shell brace on him and that is better than what they first gave him.
Kathy was so disgusted with the first doctor she fired him. I did talk to
Mark last night and he was groggy from all the pain medication. Kathy says
he is in a lot of pain. Don't know yet when he will be able to leave the
hospital but when he does, he will be going to Kathy's so she can take care
of him. The priests at the parish were happy that Kathy was going to take
care of him. He loses his license over this, so his work will be hampered
when he can get back to the parish. Sounds like the whole church in Chicago
has been calling, visiting or sending cards and flowers. The Bishop was
there yesterday and a parishioner brought in some holy water from Lourdes to
bless him with. They all love him. But I know that he could use some of your
prayers, too.
Thanks, love you all.