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Awwww, Jim, you'realways thinking of everybody else. You're such a nice person. :hug:
And I didn't forget what day Binkie was going in, I spent all day yesterday thinking it was Friday. :foreheadsmack:

Sorry,best wishes for TODAY.

And add my very best for Hairyette and the others as well. (Sorry I didn't see TinysMom's post earlier). :(


SAS:hearts:and PIPP :pink iris:

Pipp wrote:
Awwww, Jim, you'realways thinking of everybody else. You're such a nice person. :hug:
And I didn't forget what day Binkie was going in, I spent all day yesterday thinking it was Friday. :foreheadsmack:

Sorry,best wishes for TODAY.

Thanks, SAS & Pipp. A very wise and caring person told me..."What goes around comes around"

Still no updates on Binkie:waiting:

:dancing:***doing the "go-away-bad-thingies" dance***


Your right jim we all need to do that go away bad things dance. I will be calling the vet when I get up from my short nap. Had hardly any sleep cause our apt kept getting hot and cold all night. Ugh
2bunmom wrote:
Jim D, So sorry to hear that Binkie has an abscess. I am just so glad that it was not cancer!!I guess you had better get a pair of gloves, since you will be taking Binkie back to the vet!!!!;)LOL Thanks for keeping us updated. I haven't had much time to be on the forum butI did want to know how things were going with her and Benji. Hang in there. We will be sending prayers and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery for both of them. Beckie, Trouble and Trixie :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Thanks 2bunmom!

It wasn't long enough between vet visits for Binkie to forget. She was WAY beyond angry this morning when I tried to put her in the carrying case. Danielle tried first and got bit. I had to resort to putting a blanket over Binkie and scooping her up. That worked well, but getting her into the carrier was a bit more difficult. I swear they can sprout a gazillion feet when they want to..."NO NO NO NO NO DON'T WANNA GO IN THERE NO NO NO!!!!!"

The vet cracked me up!!!! Before they took Binkie in the back I had told them that she was in a VERY bad mood and was a bit nippy. Two minutes after they took her in the back they came back out with her and said that "they decided they didn't want an angry little bunnie in their office" (they were kidding of course....the carrier was empty and they had already put her in a kennel in the back).

SweetPeasMommie wrote:
Your right jim we all need to do that go away bad things dance.
I'm dancin' my little feet off!!!!:dancing:

I will be calling the vet when I get up from my short nap.
I need a nap way bad:sleep:

SweetPeasMommie wrote:
Had hardly any sleep cause our apt kept getting hot and cold all night. Ugh

Not much sleep for me either. I've got a bad back and the pain keeps me up most of the night. Spend almost every night in the recliner so I don't bother anyone else. Last night when I wasn't awake because of the pain....I was awake thinking about Binkie. YAAAAAAWN!
Awww, Jim, I'll be praying for you to recieve good news very soon!

*does the bye-bye-bad-things dance*


*rabbits look at her like she's finally lost her marbles*

We couldn't stand it any longer, so we called the vet.


I hate leaving her there all day if they aren't going to do the surgery until the late afternoon. It's not like they have to wait for bloodwork or anything...that's all been done.

The vet is open until 6pm EST, but they are very often there late finishing up.

Just got home from seeing Hairyette. They found a cancerus mass in the very back of her molars. We sent her to be with HoomanGrandma Shirley. :sad:
Oh, Angel

I'm so sorry about Hairyette :(
SPM - I'm so sorry - I just replied to your post in the Rainbow Bridge thread.

Jim D - I'm anxiously awaiting word if the vet survived your bunny....uh...I mean - if your rabbit is ok!

I lost my peanut - and this week I've also lost my two blind runts - through no fault of my own - they just weren't thriving. Its been a really rough week here. I told Art that I need to stop getting so attached to my babies and my rabbits and he said, "No Way...that's what makes you such a good bunny mama". Last night - my little blind guy kept climbing out of his towel I had him wrapped in to lay directly on me and to lick me and give me tons of bunny kisses. I think he knew he was going - as much as I knew he was going....

So Jim - hurry up and post - and SPM - once again - I'm so sorry for your losses these last few both are in my prayers..

ohh i really really do feel for everyone here,for what they are going through.

spm,i am sooooo sorry about hairyette,i feel so sad for you:(but i know that the memories of her you will hold forever in your heart,she may be gone but she will never be forgotten.

Jim,im praying so hard for little binkie.

as we all know,when we take our little bundles of joy into the vets for surgery we are all taking a risk,we all do nothing but worry until we get that phone call,or be it until the vets get the phone call,i myself have never waited for the vet to call,i am always the one to call first,im sure that i can speak for each one of us that when our babies are in the vets for surgery there is that heavy feeling in our hearts,im sure mine drags on the ground,it is an awful feeling that wont go away until we walk into that vet and see that gorgeous little face that we had to leave behind,that is the best feeling ever to hold that little fluffy bunny in our arms again,to know that they are coming home.

i will be thinking about little binkie today,i will be sending her strong thoughts.


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