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Ariel; thats such a lovely sentiment toend your post, and I like your thinking on the reincarnation fronttoo.

I think most people know someone who has cancer - the majority ofpeoples lives are touched by someone with cancer, it is such anunforgiving illness but I believe in the power of prayer.


Thankyou Rebecca

The big "C" is what we say when we talk about it, I have had a few people in my life pass from cancer.

I always buy a pink ribbon on breast cancer day and I always donate money etc, I hope that doctors find a cure I really do.

Funny I am a smoker (on the verge of giving up because I've just abouthad enough of smoking) Yet I'm not scared of cancer I am terrified ofEmphasiema (sp) I am petrified of not being able to breathe. Just anote, I don not smoke inside my house, it's unfair on my daugter andBrett who doesn't smoke to have me smoking inside and also unfair toour inside babies of the four legged kind.

Rebecca my thoughts are along the lines of Incarnation, souls returning again, I could go on and on about it actually LOL

About the whole de ja vu thing and past lives etc and little voicesthat call your name loudly as you are about to step out onto the roadas a car you didnt see whizzes past or about to turn a corner and youlook to see who is calling you and there is no one there, that Ibelieve are Angels, everytime that happens to me I say in my mind"Thankyou Angels"

cirrustwi wrote:
I also have someone to add to the list: Shawn's best friend and hiswife. She is pregnant and due in 7 weeks, but she went into laboryesterday. They stopped it, but she is still in thehospital. She had a miscarriage a year ago tomorrow, so the ironyof the timing has been extremely difficult, plus they are in Hawaii andher family is in PA and his is in CO, so they don't have any familysupport.


A few years ago my brother's wife had my nephew in June. But he wasn'tdue until October! They gave him a 30% chance of surviving. Afterseveral months of worrying and visiting him in the hospital, they wereable to take him home. Now he's the happiest little six year old Iknow! Nothing gets him down - not even the fact that he's deaf in oneear. And his absolute favorite thing in the world is (of course)BUNNIES!! :) It's so great when we watch the video of him in theincubator - he was so tiny - only 1.9 lbs! Smaller than a bunny.

It's amazing what technology can do these days. I hope your friends have a positive outcome as well.

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