Prayers/Positive Thoughts, Please...

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Ok!!!, here goes nothin'!!


C'mon, Zoe...give us a P, give us an O and another O and a PPP!!!!!!

Seriously, I'm prayin' hard for her.
Let the Irish girl do her dance..

Poopy Poopy Poopy Pooooooooooooooooopy...


[align=left]C'mon Zoe, poop! I hope that you can get through this and maybe it will help you figure out why she's been just so sensitive! Poor girlie and poor you.
Wow. There are...lemme see...nine new replies to this thread since I last left it. So that explains it: All the dancing is working its magic.

So here's an update that only bunny owners could appreciate....

As of 7 pm, Zoe still had no poops in her ICU cage. Within 10 minutes of our visit, she dropped a grassy-looking, tacky-feeling, triangular-shaped poop on my husband's back. :biggrin2:

During the hour, she passed about 13-15 poops. They started out as grassy-looking andoddly-shaped. (Strangely enough, she tried eating some and actually did manage to eat a few.)


Then the mucous started...:yuck...a little at first, and then small gobs of it. The vet assured us that Zoe eating her own fecals won't hurt her; she alsosaid that mucous productionis normal due to irritation from Zoe's gut's shutdown. (There wasno blood in it, so that's a plus.)

Before we left, I spoke with two of the vet techs. I learned that Zoe'sbeen lunging/grunting at the one and running like the dickens from the other. (I envision her recreating a keystone cops scenario in the treatment area.)Of course, the techs. aren't impressed by Zoe's fierce front andcan laugh about it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the positive thoughts and the improvised poopy dances. :hug: It would appear that everything is, as I've said, working some magic....
Hooray for the poop dance being successful! I would join in, but my boyfriend already thinks I'm crazy enough. I'll do a little jig when he looks away. Do you think it would work better if I danced while holding Rory, the poop king?
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Hooray for the poop dance being successful! I would join in, but my boyfriend already thinks I'm crazy enough. I'll do a little jig when he looks away. Do you think it would work better if I danced while holding Rory, the poop king?
In terms of dancing...If you can't break away to have a private dance (and if your loved one might think you crazy for dancing in their sight), do what I do: mental dancing. I'll tell my husband something like, "I'm doing a little jig right now--on the inside." I can't say that he gets me at such times, but he certainly tolerates me well. :biggrin2:

As for holding Rory the poop king, that's an ingenious idea! It would be like kissing the Blarney Stone or rubbing the nose on the Abe Lincoln's bust, all for luck! So surely holding (or rubbing/kissing on) Rory couldn't hurt. Heck, you might start getting requests from others with bunnies who suffer from regular poop issues.

mouse_chalk wrote:
Woohoo!! That's great news! I'm so pleased for you! :D

When can she come home?
The vet on duty last night said that Zoe would likely come home sometime today, assuming that she keeps on passing poop.

Since we caught Zoe eat several fecals last night...:yuck, I told the vet that maybe she (Zoe) had been pooping for longer than anyone realized--and was eating them before they could be spotted. The vet laughed and said, "So you think she's trying to hide a trail of any sort, then?" Perhaps...

What I find especially funny is the fact that I can accept the idea/sight of Zoe snacking on cecals (which I call "gummies"), butmy hubby and Icringed whenever she wassneaky quick about munching on her fecals.:craziness
RexyRex wrote:
This is great news! I'm sooo happy for you and Zoe :yahoo:
I'm torn. Oh, I'm definitely happy about being able to pick up Zoe at noon today. But I'm unhappy about this morning's conversationwith her regular vet.

I'dtold the other vet on staff to feed Zoe only timothy hay, as I'm uncertain if feeding her Romaine helped aggrevate her gut.Zoe's regular vet saw the note (to feed hay only),and he (in his words) "went back-and-forth" with his colleague (the other vet) on the issue. In the end, he fed Zoe more spring greens, telling methat they're "baby greens" that should be gentle enough on a bun's system.

I realize that he's a proponent of rabbits getting enough nutrients/calories for good health. But it wouldn't hurt Zoe to eat hay for 36 hours at the vet's hospital.

I'm especially upset that the vet must believe thathis opinion trumps mine--even though each of us has a 50-50 shot of being right (as to whether Zoe's issues stem from her eating a foreign object or lettuce). Even if I'm wrong, erring on the side of caution by feeding her hay only,as I've said, wouldn't be harmful.

I'm unsure of how to proceed. Zoe's vet is an exotics-only practitioner who's been in the biz for about 18 years now. But if he won't listen to me, I don't know that I can continue going there. And his advice confuses me, especially since his colleague told me that shehas 1% of bunny patients that eat nearly 100% hay due to sensitive systems.