Oh man, lots of good wishes for Zeke over here! Poor guy... that's a huge chunk. I'm glad he's through the surgery and everything is ok so far. Sending good vibes!
The vets ended up spending most of the day on him, and then right before I picked him up he had to go under again because he pulled some stitches. So he was still waking up when I took him home. He kept trying to move around before he was fully awake, and it was so heart wrenching. It gave me flash backs of Wildfires death, because his movements where very similar to her death thrashes.
He hates the collar. I have a feeling if I go to bed, it will be off by the morning. I had to feed him some greens one by one because he hasn't been able to figure out how to eat with it on yet.
Does anyone know if there is any special adjustment I can make to the e-collar to make it more comfortable for him? I want to make sure he can eat with it on.
I've got some pictures of the post op, I got to go in when he was still under to see the wound. I'll upload and post them tomorrow.
He's going to need some heal fast vibes... Although he is up, hopping around and ate some greens for me.
He's figured out how to eat hay really well, so that's good. I've been feeding him greens one by one.
It's so pathetic to watch him trying to clean himself. He keeps trying to clean his mouth and ears. So he is pushing his paws up and licking the collar.
His poor ears can't be very comfortable pushed up like that all the way.
The good thing is he loves all his meds, so he just licks them off the end of the syringe. The cream to be put on his boy bits is a lot harder to get, and I don't think I got very much on his actual wound.
Poor Zeke. I always feel so bad when animals are dealing with bandages, collars, etc. They don't understand why! It will be ok soon! Please give him nose rubs from me..... he looks almost identical to Bo!
Here's some of my poor little man once I got him home. He was still coming out of it from his sleep meds. I had him lying on a fleece blanket, with warm rice socks underneath and two fleeces on top. It took about a half an hour for him to finally warm up and start coming out of it.
The vet let in to the operating area while Zeke was still under so he could give me a good look at his wound. So I took some pictures. Beware, they are gross, so only look if you've got a strong stomache.
The collar is not only confusing Zeke, but Baxter as well. Baxter tried to pull it off Zeke a couple times, but he's stopped now. Although he did figure out that some times there's yummy stuff around Zeke's neck that Zeke can't get too. So Baxter does a good job of keep Zeke's collar clean for him. One of the first things Baxter did was lie down head to head with Zeke when he was still all groggy.
And one interesting one of me in the boys cage. It was just easier to visit with Zeke in the cage, as he wasn't quite fully awake yet. I was feeding him some hay pieces. Ryan thought it was too funny, so he took a picture.