I just got done spending about 1 1/2 hours withHarlie and she is on the couch waiting for me to come back and hold her- we're going to sleep together in the recliner tonight.
I think Harlie has passed a major crisis....
I've been giving her Oxbow Critical Care plus pedialyte, simethecone, atiny bit of aspirin, hay, parsley - and a tiny slice of banana that shewas trying to steal from me while I was eating the banana.
A few minutes ago - she started grooming herself for the first time. I am SO pscyhed - but it gets better.
After she peed on me....she passed something that looked like thecritical care had all dried out (become dehydrated) and was mixed inwith some hairs. It was about 3" long - with maybe 10 hairsin it.
After that - she started passing normal sized poops - very dry still -VERY VERY dry...but still yet - normal sized. I found that as she wasstruggling to poop- if I massaged her lightly - and thenpressed down VERY lightly on the anus - the poop would come out mucheasier and she would relax....till the next poop.
We got about 6 or 7 poops out of her and now she's eating parsley dipped in pedialyte while waiting for me to return.
I do think there could still be something in there - more hair orsomething - and I'm going to give her hairball remedy tomorrow alongwith more hay and more of what we've been doing.
But I think we're past the worst of it......
Oh - and she was PLAYING with me too. She'd look at me andthen look away and then bite on my shirt and tug it - and then quicklylook away. Then she'd look at me - I swear she'd smile - lookaway - as soon as I looked away - she'd tug on my shirt again...andthen look up at me.
For a bit - she would keep licking my shirt too - almost like they werebaby bunny kisses though - not because of food being spilled.
I'm so happy. When Art is up later and we have anotherfeeding session - I'm gonna have him take photos of her with theparsley stem hanging out of her mouth as if she's smoking it.Its hilarious!