potty behavior

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New Member
Jun 18, 2012
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ASHBURN, Virginia, USA
I have a question. I have four buns. Two to a pen, each with condos. I cleaned out all four of their litter boxes last night and this morning their was pee outside of all four litter boxes. This has never happened before. HELP!!!:?
I would say maybe UTI as a possibility if it was just one, but all 4? Weird! Have you changed anything with them, new litter, changed cages? I'm assuming they're all fixed? If not, maybe they're just marking.
muffymyers wrote:
The litter was different than what was in it before it cleaning out the litter boxes. But, I have used it before without any issues.

I would say it was most likely the litter. It's a big coincidence if all 4 have a health issue, it's probablyn litter.

Mix in the new stuff gradually with the old stuff until completely switched over.

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