So I stayed up till 4:30 AM watching her to make sure she didn't go lethargic, and I woke up at 7:30 to take her to the vet. They got me in right away which was great. Anyways when I got there I told her I did all the tummy rubs, pedialyte, simethicone, force fed a bit of wet pellets and the vibration therapy and kept her warm. The vet checked her tummy and said it was moving normal on the left (with some gas) and a little slow on the right but not blocked. She said Akira didn't feel bloated so the gas has gone down and there was no point in doing an Xray as she wasn't lethargic and there was some movement in her belly with no real evidence that there was a blockage. She gave Akira SubQ fluids and said to force feed her 3mL of pineapple juice every 6 hours and crush two tablets (can't remember what they were but they were some type of antibiotic to prevent the "bad" bacteria from building up but provide good bacteria) and to mix in 6tbsp of water with the crushed tablets with 3tbsp of critical care. The vet also told me just to watch for signs of lethargy and she should be perfectly fine by tuesday and if not bring her back. While the vet is talking to me Akira is climbing up on me like standing on her hind legs and leaning on my chest. the vet was like she is obviously not lethargic and bright eyed so you definitely caught it really early.
So I got pineapple juice and went home. I put her upstairs and showed my mom what to do so that in case I wasn't there she would know what to do, and to keep an eye on her while I was at school. We make the critical care stuff and i head upstairs to get Akira from her cage again, and she was digging in the aspen shavings eating stuff ( I'm guessing Rusty's cecals) and I continued to watch her, put a litterbox filled with hay in it and Akira started nibbling on it. I didnt force feed her incase I stressed her out and made her not eat so I just watched her for a couple of minutes and she ate. I then filled her water bowl with half water and half pineapple juice and she drank a tiny tiny bit. So far so good.
I am only supposed to give her that stuff until she can eat on her own but I'll wait till I get home and call my mom at noon to check on her.
Thanks guys for everything and helping me out with this. Now I just hope she has a bowel movement by the time I get home and gets something in her system and that I don't fall asleep in my exam that is coming up in T-16min.