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Poppy was at the vets today.

The vet agreed, that it could be a form of sephilis. She had a penicillin shot.

NowI have to wait. If there is no improvement byThurs, I haveto go back.

She said to continue with the Surolan, as that will help, as it have been.

She also said to me, about natural (bio) yoghurt ????

A Big Thanks to Carolyn for sending me the pdf file. I helped tons
Aww...sending a big hug back, Sweetie!


Please keep us updated on how she'sdoing. Watch for any signs of runny dropping.Yogurt is no longer recommended as a probiotic for rabbits.Give plenty of hay and you can also administer a probiotic for rabbitssuch as benebac or acid pac.


Oh Zee!! I was happy to see that Poppy went well at the vets, I readthrough this post and I have learnt a lot from your experience withPoppy.

I want to thank you for posting about Poppy, I know that it's hard atthe time and without you even realising it myself and I am sure otherslearnt a few things (ok a lot) with you along the way.

I hope the shot works out well.

*****cross fingers here****


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