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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Oktoberfest Town - Munich, , Germany
As you will see from the pics, poor Poppy has a bad area again.

I've been treating her with Surolan, which works, BUT it keeps coming back from time to time.

I really don't know what else to do.

I would really appreciate some expertish advice.


Distant view

Close-up view (Sorry, i tried to get the best pic i could)

Behaviour wise, she completely normal, appetite, stolls the lot. She is her normall happy self.

I'm so confused at what it could be :dunno:
Hi Zee,

I can't really see the picture very clearly. Can you describe it? Sorry!

Is it the anus or the vulva that isswollen? How long has it been like that? Ventdisease (rabbit syphilis) causes similar symptoms and can only besuccessfully treated with injectable penn G. Rabbit syphilisis transmitted during sexual contact, but can also be contracted atbirth from the dam. She needs to get tothe vet to be tested for rabbit VD so proper treatment canensue. Hutch burn is another possibility, but you won't beable to tell for certain without testing.

Hi Pam

It is both that is swollen, but the anus is a little more. This time, aday or so. I have noticed it general goes like this after a falsepregnancy. Her last one was about 2wks ago. She isn't spayed yet, as Icannot afford it.

I have usedSurolan[font="Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif"] (Drops for bacterial,fungal and yeast infections of the ears and skin of dogs and cats gpigsand rabbits.) on her before which has always cleared it up.

She has never been mated, and she is never caged.

pamnock wrote:
Is it the anus or the vulvathat is swollen? How long has it been like that?Vent disease (rabbit syphilis) causes similar symptoms and can only besuccessfully treated with injectable penn G. Rabbit syphilisis transmitted during sexual contact, but can also be contracted atbirth from the dam. She needs to get tothe vet to be tested for rabbit VD so proper treatment canensue. Hutch burn is another possibility, but you won't beable to tell for certain without testing.

Poor Gal!

By the way, Zee, the second set of pictures were 1000x better than the first. :highfive:

Of course, Pam's right in saying that you really need to bring thelittle babe into the vets to have her tested to see exactly what it is.The right test has to be done because one of the blood tests that theyperform (R.P.R. - Rapid Plasma Raegent) won't tell you if the diseaseis active. It only detects antibodies that shows the rabbit's had acontact with it.

Does she ever get any sores on her nose or lips?

When I very first had her, she had like crusty skin just under her bottom lip.

Since treating her with the stuff I was given by the vets, I have never seen it again, since she was younger.

I see the vet when I can afford it. Right now, I struggling real bad. So I will have to see what I can do.
Hi Zee,

As Pam mentioned, injectible forms of Pen-G (Penicillin G) are usuallysafe for rabbits and are quite effective. Leave it to a rabbit savvyvet to make sure your rabbit is getting the right form, dose,frequency, and duration of treatment.

As it states in the Rabbit Production-8th Edition: "Rabbit syphilis iscaused by the organism Treponema cuniculi. ...Rabbit syphilis is quiteeasily treated. Each rabbit is injected once per week for threeconsecutive weeks with a long-acting pencillin product at a dosage of20,000 IU per pound of body weight. This is the only way to completelyrid a herd of this disease. Unfortunately, this treatment may cause anoutbreak of diarrhea, and several rabbits may die. The diarrhea is aresult of the antibiotics causing changes in the bacterial populationof the gut, allowing the proliferation of some organisms that producelethal toxins. This side effect can be prevented by increasing thefiber in the diet through feeding hay or straw."

Kathy Smith recommends against giving oral penicillins becauase it candestroy good gut flora and kill your rabbit sooner after administeredor up to 3 weeks after the drug has been given.

Syphilis can spread to their nose or lips from them eating their cecotropes.

I hoping mum is going to the vets this week as the dog has to go yet again.

If she is I can take her with me and try in my best german possible, the advice give here.

I would of thought with a sore in such a sensitive area, I would see some discomfort fromher, but nothing whatsoever from her.

Thanks Pam, thanks Carolyn the pair of you brill

Hi Zee, :wave:

I contacted Kathy Smith. In case you don't know of her, she wrote acouple of books entitled Rabbit Health in the 21st Century. Shealso has a degree in Pharmeceuticals.

I sent her the pictures, which she is not familiar with seeing on anyof her herd through the years, but she did hook me up with thebreeder/rescuer that she has gotten many of her rabbits from and she'sto get back to me with her thoughts. I'll pass them on when I get them.

When I asked her what was the deal with Surolan because I'm notfamiliar with that drug, she said, "It has an antifungal ingredient, abig selection of topical antibiotics and a steroid. That mix ofingredients is why it has been working, but repeated treatments may becreating a resistant strain of bacteria, fungus, or both. Bottom line:I say take the rabbit to the vet."

* * * * *

Never been told that I brill. It's fun learning other cultures expressions.

* * * * *

Our Poppy is in my thoughts and prayers.


You don't know how much it means to me


Carolyn wrote:
Hi Zee, :wave:

I contacted Kathy Smith. In case you don't know of her, she wrote acouple of books entitled Rabbit Health in the 21st Century. Shealso has a degree in Pharmeceuticals.

I sent her the pictures, which she is not familiar with seeing on anyof her herd through the years, but she did hook me up with thebreeder/rescuer that she has gotten many of her rabbits from and she'sto get back to me with her thoughts. I'll pass them on when I get them.

When I asked her what was the deal with Surolan because I'm notfamiliar with that drug, she said, "It has an antifungal ingredient, abig selection of topical antibiotics and a steroid. That mix ofingredients is why it has been working, but repeated treatments may becreating a resistant strain of bacteria, fungus, or both. Bottom line:I say take the rabbit to the vet."

* * * * *

Never been told that I brill. It's fun learning other cultures expressions.

* * * * *

Our Poppy is in my thoughts and prayers.

A rabbit can contract VD at birth, so it doesn't necessarily have to have ever been mated.  The crust on the lip is a indicator that it may indeed be rabbit syphilis. Topical applications may clear up the sores, but the infection remains active in the bloodstream.  I would most certainly have her tested.

Hi Zee,

As with Pam, one of Kathy's first thought was that it was syphilis too.Although, she hasn't seen it in her rabbits, she's pretty sure that thebreeder/rescuer that she introduced me to has in her experience. Kathysent me a PDF file that, although, is very scientific, it has greatinformation and a lot of pictures. I can't attach it here. Kathy alsogave me the email address of the woman she referred me to and said thatyou could have it so that you can have direct contact. I will send bothvia email to you.

The other thing she said was, "If your friend wants to try bicillin(injectible penicilin-g) without going to the vet (not something Irecommend, but I do understand), I would look at this reference forsafe dosage calculations.

http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~jwmoore/bicillin/bicillin.htm "

Pam, Kathy, and I still highly recommend a vet's visit. God forbid youdo something we said here and live to regret it later. We'd be brokenwith you.

The price is too high to take our word for it without having actually seen or having had Poppy tested.

Prayers are being sent from here. I know this is really difficult.

:pray: :kiss: :pray:

Hi Zee,

This is how Kathy Smith explains it. She does a better job than I do.

* * * * *


All forms of oral penicillins, especially the semisyntheticpenicillin derivatives such as Amoxicillin and Ampicillin, can bedeadly to your rabbit. Never accept a prescription for oralpenicillin for your rabbit.

Injectible forms of Penicillin G (Pen-G), a naturalpenicillin, are relatively safe for rabbits and can be an excellenttreatment for abscesses and other infections caused by bacteria thatare sensitive to Pen-G. The most common Pen-G prescribed forrabbits is the combination of Pen-G Benzathine and Pen-G Procaine, twolong-acting forms of the drug. The procaine Pen-G releases thepenicillin more rapidly and reaches higher concentration in the blood;the benzathine releases the penicillin more slowly and has a moreprolonged effect but does not reach as high a concentration.


Bicillin is the human brand for the name procaine/benazathinecombination of Pen-G. There are many veterinary brands of thiscombination which is often referred to generically as "bicillin" byrabbit owners, many of whom believe it is a "miracle drug" for treatingabsesses. If your rabbit has an abscess that has cultured sensitive topenicillin or one that can not be safely removed surgically orcultured, your veterinarian may want to consider treatment withbicillin.

Like humans, a small number o rabbits experience severe allergicreactions (anaphylactic shock) to penicillin. Your vet should show youhow to give the injections and should monitor your rabbit after thefirst dose for signs of anaphylactic shock. Make sure you know how torecognize and respond appropriataely to a severe allergic reaction incase your rabbit reacts to a later dose."

Rabbit Health in the 21st Century - 2nd Edition by Kathy Smith.
Thank You Carolyn, that helps me understand betterthe differences and effects .

truth to tell I was thinkingPenG was an herbal remedy I am so gladyou cleared that up .
Poor Poppy!! I'm glad she's at least acting ok...plz keep us updated on how she's doing and what you find out!
Did you get my link and the email address, Zee?


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