Poppy`s scent glands

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Hi everyone! I had Poppy out today for a littlerun (and uploaded some pictures of it!). I clipped her nails as well,and did a thorough examination. I hadn't really thought about checkingabout her scent glands until now, so I did. There is a hard blacksubstance inside both. There was no real odor, but I didn't open themmuch at all.

I really didn't know what to do. I assumed that part was sensitive, soI didn't want to do anything that might hurt her. I don't feelcomfortable to clean them myself, so I was wondering if there was anyrisk involved if I just leave them alone? I'll try to make a vetappointment, atleast this time for the vetto show me how todo it. I read about the scent glands and how to clean it, but I'mnervous doing it myself for the first time.

Here`s a picture of my darling Poppy :).


Sorry...I don't have any information that wouldhelp...but I thought I would tell you how ADORABLE Poppy is!!What a cute picture!!

We've been trying to get a picture of Flower being "alert" for agesnow, and never seem to be able to achieve it! Hehe...

What a cutie your Poppy girl is...she looks like such a sweetheart! :)

Hope you find some help soon regarding her scent glands...sorry I wasn't able to lend a hand there.

Hugs to you both!

Hi Rosie! I have more pictures just waiting to be posted! ;)

Thanks! Her personality is just wonderful. She's very docile,butisn't much of a cuddler. She does however enjoy a littleside and nose rub! As youcan see, she has a bit ofadouble dew lap with her excess fat, but with the excerise she'sgetting, hopefully she can take that weight off soon!
Hehe...the double dewlap is kinda cute, though I know it's something for her to work on NOT having, lol!

She's so adorable...wish you lived closer, so I could visit them both! :)

I often wonder how Flower would be with other bunnies...but gotta gether spayed first!! :) Hopefully I can bond her andMaisie in the future. :)

Anyway...Poppy is just adorable...she sounds really happy and well-adjusted, too! :D Wonderful!

How's your cute little Pebbles? She's quite a bit smaller than Poppy, right?
Hehe, me too!

I know! I can't believe how well she's adjusted.

Pebbles is doing well. She's still very food aggressive, so I have towatch my fingers and toes around her! She started growing a bit of hermane that she lost, so she's looking a little funny! Yes, she isprobably a bit less than half the size of Poppy.

I'll make a blog later

I cleaned Drizzle's scent glands a while ago andit's not too difficult. I make it a habit to check and clean down thereeverytime I cut his nails.

Get one person to hold your bun while you clean. Have them place onehand on it's butt, fingers around the legs, and the other hand aroundit's chest.

To clean, I use baby oil and Q-tips (sometimes cotton balls).

Just put some baby oil on the Q-tip and GENTLY move it up and down thescent gland. You'll probalby end up going through 3-5 Q-tips w/ howdirty Poppy sounds down there.You might not be ableto get it all in one sitting (plus it's sensitive) so get as much asyou can on both scent glands, dry the areasa little (dabbingsoftly) w/ a paper towel/towel and try to finish it the next day. Thearea is VERY pressure sensitive, so be very gentle during all of this.And don't forget to give that cute bun a treat when you're done! :)
Unless there is excessive buildup, it's reallynot necessary to clean the scent glands. The hard, blacksubstance you see is just a hardened waxy exude from the scent glandsthat will generally fall off.

Can you describe excessive build up? It was moreof a buildup at the top of the gland, although I'm not sure if I couldhave looked deeper? The skin of the gland seemed very delicite, so Iwasn't sure if I should leave it. Poppy is almost three, and to myknowledge, has never had her glands cleaned.


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