Im with Jbun on this. I always air on the side of caution with my buns too. At any sign of tummy trouble, I start the simethicone. If that dosent work, cisapride & metacam are added to the mix, along with critical care- if bunny is not eating of course. Kiwi (my little girl) goes downhill so fast. The last time she had a serious bout of stasis, I fed at 630 pm. She was totally fine, so I went to my friends house down the road for some drinks. It was a Sat night. I got home around around 930pm & Kiwi was lethargic, wouldnt eat or drink anything. She HATES being held, & I had to restrain her to syringe the meds into her, (which was stressful for her & me), as well as the critical care. Usually if she has a mild tummy upset, she will just take the meds right from the syringe if I lay on the ground with her. Not this time. It was terrible. I dont know what happened between 630 & 930 to make her so sick. It took me 48 hours to get her to eat on her own & take the meds by herself. Thats why Im so parnoid & always start meds right away. I always have meds on hand, & since I work at a vet clinic, my Vet is only a text away. There was nothing she could do for Kiwi at that time, as I had all meds already.