Poor puppy...

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It's great that your sister finally got Daisy some help! I hope that having Animal Control show up at their house scares them into keeping better care of the dogs. I hate seeing them tied out in yards and ignored.
Thanks, guys!

I don't know what was going on with Daisy's health, but given that she's got medication, couldn't have been too horrible (from my experience). Could have been something so simple as worms that just needed handling.

I sent her a little email asking how Daisy's doing since we last talked. Hopefully I'll get word back soon. :)

I'll let you guys know what she says. :)

Thanks for all the support, guys!!

So, no exact word on what was going on with Daisy, as she hasn't told me what was wrong responding to my email asking how she was doing. She did tell me, however, that she started showing improvement before they even took her to the vet. I can understand...animals just go into apathy and die when no one cares or shows them any attention, and then suddenly they were going out and checking on her and showing her affection about every hour...of course she'll start to improve!!

Anyway, she said that she's eating and drinking now, and her eyes are much less sunken in, which is nice to hear. She said that she's even barking a bit now, which is wonderful to hear!! She said that she even knocked down her husband the other day...GOOD GIRL!! Hehe...Daisy is such a love bug...she just isn't the kind of dog to handle well being ignored and unloved. Her main thrill in life is spending time with someone and playing and having fun (like all dogs), and she is a particularly loving and sweet dog, so it hit her hard being unloved and ignored.

I'm so relieved to hear she's doing better...that sweet baby...I love her so much!! :)

Oh, P.S. No idea if my sis suspects it was me that called...nor do I care much because if she asks outright, she'll get an earful of what I think of her doing what she did...and she knows it. So, I don't expect that she'll ask me anytime soon.
How brave of you!! I'm very glad your sister finally got in gear :) Unfortunately sometimes, to some people, pets become like old pieces of furniture and just become overlooked. It's good they have had their attention drawn back to the dogs and maybe life will get a bit better for them now.