Poor puppy...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Just got off the phone with my sister, and her poor sweet puppy, Daisy, is dying. She's not technically a puppy, she's an 11yr old Boxer doggy, but she's always looked like the puppy I remember. She was a present to my sister from her now-husband back when they were engaged, and has always been a big part of the family. She's always had a special place in my heart, being the sweet, ever-loving cutie that she is. I'm so sad I won't be able to say goodbye...

The saddest thing is that she's lived in the dirt-ridden backyard at my sister's house for about nine years now. They don't have a lawn, it's just literally loose dirt, and the backyard is literally about the size of my small livingroom, which is highly unsuitable for two Boxers, IMO. They've been living dirty and unbathed and forgotten for about five years now, ever since my sister started having kids. I've always been so sad to see them having to live like that, so sad and alone. They used to let them in at night, but stopped that when the baby was born, and just flat don't let them in AT ALL anymore. They don't even go out there and visit them. They've opened the garage to them now, but it just doesn't compare to the warm home they used to be allowed to frequent.

The sweetest thing is that no matter how much time has gone by, sweet Miss Daisy and her sister Minnie always remember me and are so happy to see me! I hate how they've had to live, and am in a small way happy that Daisy will be able to cross the Rainbow Bridge so she can be happy and free and loved again. I wish we'd had a house....if we had, we would've taken in these two happy, sweet puppies...they're both so wonderful, and don't deserve to live in filth, forgotten and sad, when at one time they were played with and loved and happy. At one time, their humans took time out for them and bought them toys and made sure to give them some priority in their lives. I don't know why such sweet, wonderful animals could be forgotten and no longer cared-about.

As far as what's happening with poor Daisy, she's lost a lot of weight in the past month, and they don't have the money to take her to the vet to see what's wrong, so they're not even going to try. She's no longer walking around or active at all, and my sister says her eyes are all sunken in. They don't expect her to last the week...so I won't be able to say goodbye to this wonderful Sweetie, and I'm so sad about it. I asked if we could come over sometime within the next week to say goodbye, and she said that they're "all booked up" and couldn't find the time for it. How sad is that...this means I'll just have to live with the memories of the time as a teenager that I lived with her as a little baby puppy, and the months I lived with them when I was single and pregnant with my beautiful daughter. She used to lay next to my bed or in my doorway while I was sleeping and guard me while I was pregnant. She's just so sweet and caring...always thinking of others. She would even wake me up for love sometimes...it was truly wonderful and so sweet.

It hurts so bad to know she's all alone, and I can't send her my love...I just hope she knows I love her and am thinking about her. I asked my sister to go out and give her a big hug and kiss and to let her know she's in my heart...but I doubt she'll do it. I also asked her to do the same for Minnie...Daisy is all she's ever known. She came to live with them as just a puppy when Daisy was just two years old, so she doesn't know what it's like to be alone. I hope she's okay after Daisy's gone. I told my sister that I'd like to come over as soon as she can find the time to give Minnie love and encouragement. She didn't understand, and even laughed for a split second until she realized I was serious.

How can people be so cruel? Daisy was loyal to them all her life, and always so excited to see her humans, even though they always forgot about her and didn't spend time with her anymore. Every time they went out there to give them food, she would get so excited that they might possibly be there to play with her and spend some time with her, and they never really did. They never even bathed them after the kids were born. I can understand someone being busy with kids, but it's not like she couldn't have gone out there when the kids were asleep for the night or for their nap. It's not like they were vicious dogs that they had to worry about being around the kids. They were VERY obedient and the only thing that might have happened would have been them giving too many kisses.

I wish I could have heard some sort of sadness or remorse in my sister's voice, SOMETHING to indicate that this affects her...but I heard nothing. It truly breaks my heart.

So, to you, my sweet Daisy...my eternal love. May you have the happiness and love and freedom you didn't have in this life. Know that as I think of you, I shed tears for not being able to say goodbye. If I could see you right now, I would kiss your big, beautiful, slobbery face and give your huge shoulders a big ol' hug. I hope you know that you're loved.

My forever love,

Your Auntie Rosie
Why don't you try and talk them into finding a better home for Minnie? Since they obviously aren't interested in the dogs, it shouldn't be too hard. No offense, I know she's your sister, but they shouldn't have animals at all. I know a family that is like that, and I used to get soooo po'd every time I went over there, it's incredibly frustating.
It really is frustrating...

It's even more frustrating that my relationship with my sister is fragile enough, that talking to her about possibly rehoming Minnie would just cause it to break down completely. Even if I had a house with a good backyard she could run around in, even mentioning it would offend her so much, the same thing would occur.

She even said they had learned their lesson: Not to have pets if they don't have the money to take care of them properly. I just wish she would extend that to rehoming Minnie. Maybe I'll slip in a suggestion sometime soon. Hopefully she'll just come to the conclusion on her own, though.
I'm so sorry. This must be really hard, especially since I know you're relationship with your sister has been pretty strained.

One thing I'm wondering is, if she's that bad and they're sure she's going to die, can't they scrape up the money to have the poor thing euthanized? I know some people prefer to let animals die in their own way, but sometimes I think that's selfish of them. One of my coworkers said that the only thing he regrets with all the animals he's had (and he always has a lot) was that he didn't put down one particular dog when the vet recommended it. It was a Friday and he said he'd take her home for the weekend so she could die at home with him there, and euthanize her on Monday if she hadn't passed yet. She did die that weekend, but he said it was the most awful, painful thing he's ever seen and there were no vets open for him to take her to.

I really don't want to upset you with that, but maybe you could tell them? Could they give her just one small kindness after years of neglect?
Ya know, that thought actually did occur to me this afternoon. I will present her with the idea here in a minute, and ask her if there is any way at all they can come up with the money for a basic exam (to rule out anything that is a simple cure) and putting her to sleep if she is just painfully dying.

The last thing I want is to have her die an aweful, painful death because I didnt say anything. She deserves that much.

Poor little puppy...I love her so much. I have been crying off and on all day about this. I will miss her so much...part of the joy of visiting my sister was to greet and play with Daisy and Minnie because I know they dont get that attention very often. :(
I know she's your sister, but please call the local SPCA and report this. If the conditions the dogs are living inare as bad as you say they are (and they sound truly horrifying) then it is, unfortunately, animal abuse. You don't have to give your name and your sister would never know it was you; in fact she'd probably assume it was a neighbour.

This way you don't have to break your relationship with your sister by trying to convince her to rehome Minnie and euthanize Daisy and the dogs will be better taken care of. Daisy will either be treated and found a new home or she'll be put out of her pain and Minnie will find a home that treats her like a family member and not an inconvenience.

I know it's a difficult decision but it really sounds like those dogs are being abused, and sister or not, the dogs need to be taken away from them.

I'm sorry you're going through this; it's hard enough watching animals suffer, and even more so when it's a family member who's causing the suffering. :(
Ya know...that's actually a good plan. I really don't think Daisy deserves to die in pain like this, and would like to know that Minnie has a better life if she loses her dear sister (not from the same litter or even close to the same parents, but they really love each other).

I didn't want to ever have to take things to that level, but you're right...not taking an animal in when they're clearly ill is abuse and serious neglect. And you're right, her neighbors can see over her fence, so they would be able to see the situation. I just hope she doesn't automatically think it's me, from my call and obvious concern yesterday.

I just can't leave them there like that. I had hoped when my husband and I are able to get a house in about a year to just take them in, but things have obviously gone to a whole new level now, and I just can't stand knowing they're just being left to die like that.

Not to mention, she told me that she's (and this is quite near verbatim...only different because I can't remember exact words) got Daisy set up in their GARAGE with a blanket, and they go out every hour to check on her. They're not even cleaning her up or just plain bringing her inside so she can have a nice last few days in warmth and love!! Makes me so angry!! Heck, if she's that dirty, they can clean whatever gets dirty from her!! The poor dear's so forgotten and alone...

I'm going to talk to my husband and probably call them today, so Daisy at least has a small bit of a fighting chance.

Thank you so much for the idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself!!
You know maherwoman, I think your right with calling the SPCA. Even if she doesthink it's you, I'd think it would be well worth saving these dogs. If Daisy died,I have a strong feeling Minnie will pass away short after. Especially since they get minimum attention, a dog feels great pain and suffering when they loose a close loved one.I know my friendsdog, after their other dog died stopped eating-theyalmost lost her.I just don't get why they wouldn't turn the dogs over to someone else. They obviously don't give a darn about these dogs, can't afford them, and have them live in awful conditions.

If Daisy did get looked at by a vet, maybe it could be treated. At 11, usually dogs just don't start dying of old age.. there must be some underlying condition.

I hope these dogs get rehomed.

:hug:Even if your sister thinks it's you and is angry at you, she should stop being selfish. These dogs need help. It's not betraying her by getting the dogs taken away from her, it's betraying the dogs by leaving them in this awful condition.

Keep us posted about wha t happends:hug2
VERY good points, Spring, and I agree completely. I would be doing Daisy and Minnie a serious injustice by not calling at this point.

I agree...11 is quite young to have an illness that would kill. It's probably something treatable and able to be handled, and they just won't take her in!

I can't believe my sister could be so callous...it makes me ashamed to call her my sister...know what I mean? She's not a terrible lot better with her kids, either...though I won't go into that just now.

Like I said, I'll let my husband know what I'm doing (because when I make a huge decision like this, I like to let him know), and I'll call. Ultimately, I know it's the right thing to do, and if the relationship can't live beyond it, well then maybe she and her husband should get their heads out of their you-know-whats and take care of their family a little better!!

Thanks so much for your encouragement, guys...I really need it! :D
I knowwhat you mean. The SPCA will probably go and check it out and take the dogs away. I know it sounds harsh for your sister but in the end it's the dogs that are suffering. Your doing the right thing with getting these dogs some help :). Maybe this will make your sister think twice before owning any animals.

I 100% support your decission and think youramazing for going that extra mile to help these dogs.

I'M SO NERVOUS!!! I just called them, and they'll probably be going out today sometime, since she put a priority notice on the complaint. I gave her my name, but she said that no matter what, they would maintain my anonymity. I hope the information I gave them didn't provide her with the idea that it was me, but even so, I'd be happier to know that they went to a happier home, and that Daisy could at least have SOME chance at health at this point. The lady I spoke with at the Animal Control Center said that it was rediculous because she could have even called them herself and let them know and they would have checked her out for free and if she was ill enough to be put down, they would do it free of charge, instead of letting her die painfully like this.

Poor Daisy...I hope she gets help today...keep her in your prayers and thoughts, guys...that and be praying that they rehome Minnie as well in seeing how they're having to live.

Thanks again for your encouragement to do this, guys...those puppies deserve a better life. :)
I asked, and the lady (who was very sweet and very helpful) said they wouldn't be able to call me back, but gave me a "control number" to give them to ask about the case later on if I wanted. She did ask for my phone number and name (for their records), so I assume if they need to, they'll call. But she did say I was absolutely okay to call, but that they're just too busy to be able to call ME. :)

She was such a nice lady...I'm going to call back and check on the situation probably either later tonight, or tomorrow morning (since I'm driving to Bakersfield in a couple hours to surprise my husband, who's there all this week). When I call back, I'm going to get the name of the lady I spoke with so I can write some sort of commendation to their office about her. :) She obviously loves her job and those animals she rescues, and I always find that when someone is as helpful as she was, it's nice to let them know how wonderful they are. :)

Oh, btw, the only reason they're not sure if they can go over tonight is because she said they've got LOADS of calls to respond to, but she did put a high priority on this case because she doesn't want Daisy to die like this, when there could be some sort of solution, if only to let her die in peace and not in pain and suffering.

Oh man...I'm so nervous...this could very easily start WWIII with my family in general...though I really hope not. *sigh* All I can do is wait and see what happens...

I let the lady know that she was my sister, and that I didn't want to have to do this, but that the situation called for it, and she agreed wholeheartedly. She completely understood, and that was nice. I feel a bit of guilt in doing this instead of talking to my sister first, but at the same time, she obviously feels no remorse, so I don't think she would have done anything about it. I guess I could have given her the information the lady gave me...but I guess that's hindsight now. argh

Should I have done that??
I think making the call was a great idea, not to mention really brave of you since it's family. I do have one suggestion, though. Do not tell anyone that you made this call. I had a situation similar to this a while back, a family that I had been friends with for 14 years are cat hoarders, and I finally couldn't take it anymore. I made the call, and I told one person that I thought I could trust, and then that person got amd at me over something stupid and guess what she did. Needless to say, my realtionship with that family is over.
But I want to say-- Taking action may be hard, but whatever way things turn out, you will at least know you tried, and it will make you feel better about things. Keep us updated, we are all rooting for you and Daisy. *hugs*
Thank you so much for the encouragement, gentle giants...I really needed it!!

The only person I told was my husband, and it'll remain that way...thank you for the advice! Last thing I need is someone blabbing to her that I was the one that called. Let her wonder, I say...it's her own fault for being irresponsible and cruel. Hopefully, she'll learn from this...

She said herself that they'd learned that they shouldn't have animals if they couldn't afford to take care of them...but they didn't even TRY to give them the attention and love they needed...which is totally aside from financial expenses, ya know? Argh...the whole situation's always bothered me (I've had many conversations, well rants really, with my husband about it over the years), but now that it's gotten to poor sweet Daisy dying alone and probably in a lot of pain, I just can't NOT do something. There's a line that she's crossed there. She could have figured out SOMETHING she could have done to help Daisy...she just didn't try. She has a computer and internet service and a phone...she could have figured it out.

The thing that kills me the most is that I won't be able to say goodbye to the puppies...I love them so much!! I cry every time I think about it, even right now. I really hope sweet Daisy makes it through. She's such a sweetie...she's my heart puppy. I just keep wishing we had a house so we could take them in ourselves...

I know what you mean about them affording them. She could have searched about stuff on the internet, tried stuff. We're not the richest people on the block, but if one of our pets were in serious condition, we would take them to the vet. Not being able to 'afford' them is no excuse to leave dogs in a mud pit alone. They don't have $50 or what to even get a checkup and maybe a few tests?! Excuses.

You really did the right thing :). I'm proud of you!
Thanks...nice to know that I'm doing the right thing, even though I feel like I'm waiting for the whiplash effect I'll probably get from it. I had to give them information about Daisy's condition that she might not have told many people, but whatever...if it helps sweet Daisy, that's all I care about.

I'll keep you guys updated on what happens. :)

Thanks for all your encouraging words, guys! Wouldn't have had the guts if it weren't for my bunny friends!! :D
UPDATE: This is funny...

So, yesterday, I got a message from Animal Control saying that their office didn't handle the city my sister lives in, which made me quite mad since I checked with them BEFORE giving them the complaint, and I couldn't understand why they didn't just transfer the information so that Daisy could get the help she needed, etc.

I listened to the message again, and realized that it was the FIRST number (their general task force number) that I called, not the place that I actually MADE the complaint with, because on the message, the lady left the number of that place.

So...I called the place that handles my sister's city, to check up on things, and this is what happened:

I called on the 9th.

They went out on the 10th, about noon, and spoke to her and checked things out. They found that Minnie was overweight, and when they spoke to her about Daisy, she showed them paperwork to show that they took her in to see a vet on the 9th...the day I called! YAY!! So, it turns out that Animal Control didn't have to do anything, but it's nice to know that she's got medicine (which they got proof of) and should be feeling better soon. What a relief!!

Yes, ultimately I didn't have to call, but at the same time maybe it reminded my sister of her responsibilities as an "animal owner". She obviously somehow got the money together and took her in, which was so nice to find out!!

I'm so relieved that my sweet Daisy didn't have to die a slow, painful death, or didn't make it in time for them showing up. It was so nice to hear that they took her in, and she's got her medication now. I don't know why they waited so long...makes me so mad that Daisy had to suffer all that time!!

So, a decent ending to it all, though I would have prefered that they'd been responsible from the get-go and just taken her in and handled things. Heck, when we had to take Maisie in, we had to suffer through losing bill money, but we still did it!! That's the sacrifice you have to be ready to make for your loved-ones!!

Argh...people can be so cruel and uncaring, can't they? :mad:
That's great! I'm glad your sister changed her mind and got Daisy some help. I take it that they found out what was wrong and it was fixable? I know you can't just go ask, though, LOL!

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