Well-Known Member
If a human is unwell we will sleep, and the samegoes for animals I believe. For the lump Iwouldkeep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't spread or getlarger. May need draining? My cat had somethingsimilar, vet couldn't explain the abscess but they drainedit. The abscess could have killed Sam if I left it anotherday, not trying to scare you, but you need to keep a eye on the lumpand make sure its not abscess where it can spread or get larger(especially if its in the face area). I'm not a bunny expertbut have had pets all my life with various illness. Lets saymy vet bills could have bought me a used car by now
Maybe a secondopinion from another vet?
I hope Russel is o.k.
I hope Russel is o.k.