Sammy is improving a little more day by day. He was more active today and chased Charlotte up the stairs which he hadn't done since he got sick. He's pooping and it is getting a little firmer but is still softer than it should be. I did notice some more mucous in the stool, and let the doctor know. He said that it is an inflammatory response because the colon is inflammed. The mucous is clear and not yellow or green which is good. The fecal test came back negative for everything, including clostridium and coccidia. The doc said just keep doing what I'm doing and keep pushing the fiber aka hay.
I don't think my rabbits really care for the kaytee hay and it really is expensive for the amount you get, I do live in an area where there are a lot of feed stores, but never thought to get the hay there. I wonder if they might have something smaller than a horse bale. I live in a two bedroom townhouse and don't even have a garage to store excess hay. I could get a rubbermaid bin though. I guess I should call around.