I don't use any litter at all! It took a while, and many messes were made, but now my bunny has two bathrooms: The bottom of her cage and the shower room in my apartment. I don't keep her in her cage anymore, but she has learned to go back to the cage to do her business. One side of the cage has a wooden floor for her to stand and lay on the rare times she's caged and the other side has metal bars that allow the waste to go through to the pan. I empty it every day and twice a week my cleaning women scour it. So when Qingqing (cheeng-cheeng) is in her balcony room she goes over to her cage. When I'm home and she has free reign off the apartment, she uses the shower room. I have a toilet in a small room and a sink and shower in another room. Qingqing settles her little bunny butt over the drain in the corner and does her stuff. Well, she's not always over the drain, but even when she's not it's easy to sweep the poop pellets into the drain and wash away the pee.
The first several months I had her I tried to get her to use a litter box with newspapers. It worked somewhat, but not all the time. This summer I moved to a new apartment and she picked up right away that she could use the shower room. However, if I leave the toilet room door open, she uses that one. It must be something to do with a small room. I don't know how I am so fortunate to have a rabbit that doesn't make much of a mess! I'm just a beginner rabbit-lover, and have learned a lot from this forum. I haven't been around for a couple of months because I spent six weeks in the US during the Chinese New Year holiday that the students have every year. I'm glad to be back on the forum and reading about your buns and seeing their photos! Someday I'll learn how to post photos of my New Zealand White, too.