Please Think Good Thoughts for Emma....

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Vet's update:Emma pooped a few hours ago and is eating a little more now than this morning.But she's not eating great, and the few poops in her cage when I called were "small and dry," per the vet; he'skeepingher one more night to be on the safe side.I agree; it makes no sense to stress her for a 45 - 60-minute car ride just when her system is starting to move again.

Poor Zoe misses Emma; itdoesn't help thatI've taken apart Emma's cage to bleach it and prep everything for her return. I keep telling her that "Emma's getting much-needed rest and recuperation at the vet's and willbe home tomorrow." I'm uncertain that I'm getting my point across, though. :?
That's good! I hope she keeps on pooping! And LOL about talking to Zoe to try to make her understand. I'm sure she gets it at some level.;)
tonyshuman wrote:
That's good! I hope she keeps on pooping! And LOL about talking to Zoe to try to make her understand. I'm sure she gets it at some level.;)

I know that I can't be theonly person to hold one-sided, gentle conversations with my bunners. :biggrin2:
Awww, I'm sorry, what a stressful thing to go through! I'm so glad to hear that Emma is feeling better though, and pooing!

I can indentify with you on some level, when Chalk was so ill and hospitalised, it's bad enough knowing that they are ill, without them being far away and you can't see them and know exactly what's going on at any given time! I talked to Mouse a lot as well, I worried so much that she wouldn't understand where Chalk had gone, but as soon as she came home all that went away. I'm sure that when Emma gets home her and Zoe will be as if it never happened! :)

Lots of hugs and positive get-well vibes for Emma being sent your way! :hug:

Jen xx
mouse_chalk wrote:
I can indentify with you on some level, when Chalk was so ill and hospitalised, it's bad enough knowing that they are ill, without them being far away and you can't see them and know exactly what's going on at any given time! I talked to Mouse a lot as well, I worried so much that she wouldn't understand where Chalk had gone, but as soon as she came home all that went away. I'm sure that when Emma gets home her and Zoe will be as if it never happened! :)

Lots of hugs and positive get-well vibes for Emma being sent your way! :hug:
That's my hope, too, Jen. Thank you for telling me of your experience; it always helps to hear of others' tales. They make you feel less alone.

BTW, my name's Jen, too. :D
there are Jens everywhere :pI am glad at leats she has pooped anything is better than nowt!! and it will take a while from her gut not working to get back to nice juicy poops!!

Jenk wrote:
Vet's update:Emma pooped a few hours ago and is eating a little more now than this morning.But she's not eating great, and the few poops in her cage when I called were "small and dry," per the vet; he'skeepingher one more night to be on the safe side.I agree; it makes no sense to stress her for a 45 - 60-minute car ride just when her system is starting to move again.

Poor Zoe misses Emma; itdoesn't help thatI've taken apart Emma's cage to bleach it and prep everything for her return. I keep telling her that "Emma's getting much-needed rest and recuperation at the vet's and willbe home tomorrow." I'm uncertain that I'm getting my point across, though. :?
So sorry to hear of Emma's gut prob.. At least it sounds like its begining to work again.. Poor Zoe doesn't understand Emma at the Spa - I talk to both my bun and cat at times when trying to explain situations to them and I think at times it helps - so your definetly not alone (My BF thinks I'm crazy when I do this - lol)..
juliew19673 wrote:
So sorry to hear of Emma's gut prob.. At least it sounds like its begining to work again.. Poor Zoe doesn't understand Emma at the Spa - I talk to both my bun and cat at times when trying to explain situations to them and I think at times it helps - so your definetly not alone (My BF thinks I'm crazy when I do this - lol)..
I like that idea: Emma being at the spa. :biggrin2:

I believe that, on some level, animals understand what we're trying to convey. And, hey...No matter who thinks we're crazy, what does it matter if our explanations calm our furry/ feathered loved ones? :D
Jenk wrote:
juliew19673 wrote:
So sorry to hear of Emma's gut prob.. At least it sounds like its begining to work again.. Poor Zoe doesn't understand Emma at the Spa - I talk to both my bun and cat at times when trying to explain situations to them and I think at times it helps - so your definetly not alone (My BF thinks I'm crazy when I do this - lol)..
I like that idea: Emma being at the spa. :biggrin2:

I believe that, on some level, animals understand what we're trying to convey. And, hey...No matter who thinks we're crazy, what does it matter if our explanations calm our furry/ feathered loved ones? :D

Zoe will most definately pick up on your positive thoughts about Emma.

And I'm sure Emma knows you're doing what's best for her.
JimD wrote:
Zoe will most definately pick up on your positive thoughts about Emma.

And I'm sure Emma knows you're doing what's best for her.
That's everything for which I hope: that both girls, on some level, are less stressed due to the info. I've conveyed to them (verbally to Zoe and mentally to Emma). I've been especially sending positive thoughts to Emma to try to explain what's being done to/ for her betterment.

Let some people think that I'm crazy :p; I say that animals are more psychically attunedthan most humans. I believe that they understand more than for which we realize and give them credit.

Jenk wrote:
Let some people think that I'm crazy :p; I say that animals are more psychically attunedthan most humans. I believe that they understand more than for which we realize and give them credit.
They are truly "self aware", to say the very least ;).
Keeping Emma in my thoughts and prayers! And, yeah, I talk to our buns all the time....used to feel silly....but if folks wanna think I'm crazy, at least it gives them something tothink about..LOL

Nose rubs to Zoe, too. I'm sure she's stressing with her mate away. I hope today goes well for everyone!
I firmly believe that because we don't know what sort of level of conversation/understanding that animals have - we should use all types.... like body language, thought, and sound. "vibes" definitely affect animals. Think of prey animals in the wild - they hear and feel the area around them and know that things aren't right......

My horses can pick up on mood/attitude. My one horse gets in trouble if he runs from me - he thinks I'm playing for a time and when he realizes that I am ticked off - I feel a big nose come up to me and then get a big old horse head over my shoulder for a hug! "Mom, I love you!"

Bo and I actually fight at times..... he's like a bratty kid LOL!

:pinkbouce:I am SO happy for poops! :pinkbouce:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
:pinkbouce:I am SO happy for poops! :pinkbouce:
Per the vet's update this morning, Emma pooped quite a bit during the night; so she's coming home in just a few hours from now. :biggrin2: Of course, she'll be on a few med's and likely Critical Care, too, if she doesn't eat her leafy greens.

PS: With Emma being "at the spa" and all, we opened up the x-pen area to give Zoe more room to roam; she loves it. I'm now under the impression that she doesn't miss her sister quite as much. ;) Well, too bad; I miss Emma and will be thrilled to have her home again.

Hooray! I just came across this thread, and wanted to add I went through the same thing when I first got my guy - day 2 of him living with me (and I never had a bunny before), he went into GI stasis.

He was in the vet for about 3 days, and he's been great since.

It's funny how we pray for poop when there is none, and then sometimes are frustrated when there is too much poop where it's not supposed to be (ie the couch, bed, all over the living room...)
But, it's always better to have too much poop!

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