Please Spare a Prayer, Good Thoughts for Neko Kitty

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HAving cats with special needs.. rescues and some surrenders, I have been avidly following this thread..

Not much I can say, but I am thinking of you all..
GoinBackToCali wrote:
HAving cats with special needs.. rescues and some surrenders, I have been avidly following this thread..

Not much I can say, but I am thinking of you all..
Thank you! We have 16 cats and most are seniors and/or have special needs. Usually we deal with chronic renal failure, cancer and ferals. This is our first stomatitis kitty. Since we crated her for some of her treatment, she is actually starting to trust us and let pat her.
I really hope she does well!

I always say I'm not a cat person, but I may be fooling myself.

I have a 7 year old cat that was abandoned in a house I bought. He was a kitten at the time and I keep telling myself I'll find him a home. I have a siamese with no eyeballs (he's on youtube: blind cat tries to steal eyeballs), I have a calico who was in horrid shape after being thrown out of a moving car (she's on youtube: who threw this beautiful kitten out)... and I have a tail-less kitten I was fostering for the pound (but I have doubts she'll make it back there).

I still stand firm with the belief that anyone with more than two cats has a few loose marbles...

My mother in law goes around town every evening and feeds all the strays behind the local resturants. She also feeds all the neighborhood cats.

I met a lady thru my Freecycle group who lives down the road from her, and I was telling her my in laws live on the corner, and she got this funny look on her face..

Before I go any further.. my mom in law has a blank look on her face the majority of the time, and due to her being kind of hard of hearing in one ear, shes always tilting her head to one side. Add all this with the fact that she has a haircut... well.. that's best described as the haircut they gave insane asylum patients in the early part of the century.. a bowl cut with bangs. So yeah.. I know she looks funny..but...

ANYWAY... the lady gave me the funny look and I said *What?* she said...*I don't mean to be rude.. but that lady wanders the streets all hours feeding animals, and the way she looks... I have lived down the road from her for 10 years, and I always assumed she was mildly autistic or an adult with mild mental retardation.*

I about had to pick myself up off the ground laughing at her..

Yeah.. people with more than a couple cats very well might be certifiable..LOL
Poor kitty. I hope this procedure works for her. I've been watching too, and just haven't had much time to come on and post a lot lately.

I'm thinking of you and her! :hug:
Leaf wrote:
I still stand firm with the belief that anyone with more than two cats has a few loose marbles...


Hey!!!!!!! I 'resemble' that!:biggrin2: Our house call vet says we need to turn off the neon sign on our barn that says 'dump cats here.' My DH has been slowly turned into the 'crazy cat man'. He has brought home or brought in his share of strays.

Don't tell Dr. Melody Frankenbunny or Ali Bunny, but cats are my life. Bunnies come second. Like Miss Bo B Bunny, we like our cats much better than most people (that includes family).

Check out the shelter where we volunteer
Loose marbles? So THAT'S what I hear every time I turn my head. :p

Am hoping and praying that Neko Kitty continues to do well. It is so cool that she is starting to allow you to touch her.

After 8 years in our household, our feral Koko still prefers the company of cats to humans. He does allow the occasional tail-pet while I am filling the food bowls in the morning.

Keep us posted on Neko's progress.

~Mary Ellen
Here we go again with the stomatitis sage. Neko isn't eating as well and I am seeing the beginnings of some wet light brown moisture around her mouth. Fortunately she is letting us pat her and I can even pick her up ever so briefly. 2 years of patience does pay off with a feral cat.

TomorrowI will be crating her and calling the vet. I must say the laser treatment lasted longer than her initial dental work.We'll have to wait and see if they remove more teeth or try the laser again.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Poor Neko! I hope things go well and the treatment helps again!

I have a cat crawling onto my desk as I type...... he's such a goober! :p
Neko kitty had surgery round #three today and had the remaining molars, premolars removed. She had some minor iritation around 2 canines so the pulsating laser was used to help that along. She has no more molars or premolars which is usually what happens with stomatits kitties.

graphic pic's on the above.

We're hoping the canine tooth irritation will resolve and she will not need to have those extracted. Some cats do end up needing the canines removed. When we had Casey, he lost all his teeth except for 2 canines. He was able to eat just fine and was quite a piglet.

Neko is out and about the house tonight - very alert and wanting to hang out with her buddies, the Bingo Girls - Lacie, Charlotte, Echo and Etcetera.

Thanks to all for keeping Neko in your thoughts.