Please Spare a Prayer, Good Thoughts for Neko Kitty

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2005
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Buzzard Twp., Ohio, USA
Please say a prayer or send some healing thoughts for Neko, our indoor feral calico kitty. The short story - she has stomatitis (lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis stomatitis)

I had to capture her last Thursday and take her to the vet. It was obvious she wasn't eating and something seemed wrong with her mouth. They sedated her, got a good look at her mouth and medicated her with a huge cortisone dose and foul tasting Clindamycin. She has alesion on the roof of her mouth and behind the back molars (lowers). Shestarted eating at the vet and is actually taking her meds in food.

I was able to bring her home today but she is in a giant dog crate so I can medicate her and make sure she is doing ok. I really do mean that part about her being feral. She has slowly been trusting me a bit and wanting to be friends from 3 feet away.

The long story - Neko was a stray in Euclid, OH where some subhuman scum shot her repeatedly at close range with a pellet gun. Her head and neck and sholder spit open 5 inches long and quite deep. A woman found her dying on her porch and took her to the vet. 4 surgeries and 4 months later, we adopted her from the vet clinic.

She loves our other cats and bacame best buddies with Mugsy. Mugsy passed away in 12/07 from hemangiosarcoma and Neko was depressed. Then she was not eating so much and I took her ER where she was misdiagnosed as having a flare up pf herpes virus (long story).Some ER vets don't deal w/ferals very well.

I honestly think this problem could stem from the reconstructive sugeries she had plus stress from Mugsy passing. I've seen her surgeries on video and they were gruesome.

She could use some prayers and healing thoughts. The fact that she is now eating after being at my vet's for the weekend is truly a miracle.

Thanks everybunny.

:pray: Poor little Neko, I hope she recovers soon! She sounds like one tough kitty.

I'm curious about that emergency vet trip. I though feline herpes was mainly in the eyes? Lily had some bad flare-ups as a kitten but nothing involving her mouth, not even with the various secondary infections.
The ER trip, mostly they examined her in the carrier and found the lungs and heart fine. The ER vetI wanted to see. Dr. Matt E. was ill so I got someone with little experience. Neko had drainage from her right eye and drainage from her mouth which resulted in some crustiness in her eye and on her lip.

What bothers me is the child vet took Neko in the back so the more experienced vet could see her. They said they took arectal temp - normal - and they allegedly gave her an oral antibiotic. I am questioning if they did give her the antibiotic dose. If they had opened her mouth at all, they would have smelled the bad, bad breath. Also, I pointed out themouth crustiness and the fact it looked like her mouth may have drained on her paw. I don;'t think they opened her mouth at all to look.

Herpes - well, I've seen the eye issues in many cats. I have seen some where they appear to have an upper respiratory problem like runny nose, sneezing. Our Siegfried got eye drainage and had sneezing.

Neko had no sneezing or cough. The ER vet suggested a chest xray andI declined. It would have been a waste of money. ALso, she suggested testing her again for FELV/FIV and I said no. She was tested early on after her injury and again 4 months later when Iadopted her. She doesn't go outside so I thought that testing her again was a waste of money and cat blood.

Any way, my ER bill was only $100 which should have told me something... It's hard to get any service at the ER for only $100. I am used to the $300-500 range. My gut said she needed to see our vet and I'm glad I took her in.

I don't think this vet was really paying attention to what I said after I declined the various tests. This is the first visit where I have ever been disappointed with the vet care. We've used the ER and specialty clinic here for 10 years. I think I will ask my vet to send a follow up report to the clinic.

Did you ever try Interferon with Lily? Did it help? I tried the 10 day on and 10 day off regimin with Siegfried and it didn't do much.
Oh I am sorry to hear :(My kitten has FIV and when it flares it's just like a cold. Runny eyes, leaky nose, sneezing. I wonder why they would think FIV, I mean, I just dont see a connection.

Are you sure it's not a dental problem? Honestly, i would worry about it being a liver or kidney problem :(I really hope it's not.

I certainly would complain about the vet visit and see my regular vet and explain what was done. If the regular vet is as good as you say, surely he can arrange to discount you for the trouble of having to come back.

Prayers for you and Neko:pray:
No, I haven't tried Interferon. She does great with L-Lysine though. I just crush up a human pill (instead of the expensive vet gel) and mix it with her food.
naturestee wrote:
No, I haven't tried Interferon. She does great with L-Lysine though. I just crush up a human pill (instead of the expensive vet gel) and mix it with her food.
I have to laugh because we have the gel l-lysine for Mallory cat, Vet Viralys, and I did a review of it on zootoo = can't get away from those reviews.
Thanks for the prayers and thanks for asking. The prayers and good thoughts are working. Neko is doing remarkably well. She takes the nasty, bitter medicine in her morning canned food and doesn't seem to mind. The odd thing is, she won't eat the canned I am feeding everyone else. She wants cheapie Walmart Special Kitty Super Supper. My other cats won't even taste it. At least it's lower in ash according to the label. She is also eating Iams and Evo grain-free dry.

The crate is big enough for me to crawl in and sit with her. She lets me sit in the crate with herand is letting me pat her. Actually today she really wants pats and attention. She purrs up a storm when she gets pats and purrs when she gets her canned food. She has lost weight. Her appetite is goodnow that she feels better.

I stopped at the clinic today to drop off a cream cheese pecan strudel for everyone. Doc started laughing when I asked if he wants me to bring her in for a follow up. He is going to come to the house to see her next Monday. He figures it's less trauma. It's great to have a vet who will make house calls.

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts.
The kitty in my avatar is Nutmeg, aka Chunk or Chunkalicious. We have5 calico cats - Neko, Nutmeg, Lacey, Charlotte and Jerri Harriet. Nutmeg was a rescue kitty from Myrtle Beach, SC. She got pregnant at8 months old and her ownerswere going to take her to a kill shelter. A friend rescued her andgot her to me by kitty version of the Bunderground RR. Nutmeg has 'calico attitude'.
seniorcats wrote:
The kitty in my avatar is Nutmeg, aka Chunk or Chunkalicious. We have5 calico cats - Neko, Nutmeg, Lacey, Charlotte and Jerri Harriet. Nutmeg was a rescue kitty from Myrtle Beach, SC. She got pregnant at8 months old and her ownerswere going to take her to a kill shelter. A friend rescued her andgot her to me by kitty version of the Bunderground RR. Nutmeg has 'calico attitude'.
I'm happy to hear that Neko is purring and enjoying company. It's always so sad when they have that sick kitty look in their eyes...makes me cry every time...

That's neat to have a crate that big, too! I would love to see a picture of that...

And Miss Nutmeg certainly has that calico attitude look in her eyes, hehe! I just love calicos. I'll have to rescue one when we move, or something...I miss having one!

Hugs for you and Neko (and the rest of the furry crew!),

Gosh i am so happy to hear that she is doing much better's sad when animals get Rosie's just awful seeing that sad look they have in their eyes.

Neko finishes her Clindamycin tomorrow and she will definitely need another vet visit. YesterdayI saw her drool a tiny amount out of the left side of her mouth. Today she drooled some out of the right side of her mouth - the side she was injured on 2 years ago. Her cortisone shot was given 10 days ago and is probably wearing off now.

I am afraid she will need to see the vet dentist in another county. One of the shelter kitties had surgery for stomatitis and it was $1,600. We had a find raiser to get the money.

There aren't really many options available for this problem. I just hate the thought of this kitty having more pain in her life. If surgery fixes the problem and stops the pain, then that's the way we'll go.

On the plus side, she has been able to eat both canned and dry food since starting treatment. I don't want her to go back to being unable to eat.

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. We could do with some more this kitty.
I thought I would update this topic. 2 weeks ago i noticed Neko had more brown crusty 'stuff' around her mouth so it was back to the vet. The blistering bleeding stomatitis sores were back. One more tooth with some gingivitis was removed. Total teeth gone now is 11.

Doc decided to try an experimental treatment that has been getting results without doing sirgery. He used a pulsating CO2 laser on All the sores to burn off the old diseased tissue and start fresh.

It took a while for her to want to eat. Unfortunately she was refusing to take the meds in her food. I had to medicate miss feral kittyby hand. It's been 14 days and she is still doing good and eating. I hope this treatment provides some lasting results cause she has been through enough in her short life.