My three boys are/were sick, not the girls...they show no symptoms of being sick. Spartan is totally better, as is Ralphie. It is just Louie now, who IS getting better.
Rat people can be extreme. They say to quarantine new rats at someone else's house where no rats are present for a minimum of 3 weeks, and if you go to the quarantine house, then you have to wait at least 2 hours before returning to your house. They also say that when you go into a pet store or someone else's house that has rats...that you need to wait at least 2 hours before returning home. For some people, it is just not possible.
Rats harbor illnesses such as myco, SDA, and Sendai. By exposing your rats to "new" rats, you can infect your rats....which they get URI's...which can lead to pneumonia.
I have tried to explain to some extremests on the rat forum that not every one is lucky enough to have a quarantine home or a rat good rat vet that will hand over medication without seeing the sick rat.
I can name you at least 6 different VERY RECENT threads on the rat forum where members have ventured into pet stores, PAID (supported the pet store for their wrong) for that rat, and walked out with a rat to bring straight home to their house...where they also have rats.
But, yet....I get flamed for RESCUING (not paying for) rats from snake food and bringing them home. If it were not for me, the many rats I have fostered (including Ralphie) would be dead by now. I take a risk of my boys getting sick by saving lives....I don't really see extreme wrong in that.
What some rat people don't understand is that I could bring home one of those rat illnesses by just going to the grocery store or leaving a window open (if neighbors have rats). The illness stays present in the nostrils of your nose or on your clothes.
Nothing is ever good enough for some people. I really wish there was a rat forum out there that existed with nice RO. Every rat forum I have ever been apart of has member that pick and pick at each other and point fingers. It really sucks and puts out a bad image for some rat people who are nice and understanding.