Yay! Sounds like he's bouncing back.

Pipp usually follows the same route after her spurs surgeries.
You might want to really up the veggies and the variety and try and keep the teeth wearing down naturally. Pipp was supposed to be getting them done every two months, but with the right diet it's annual.
Pellets don't help the teeth at all. Hay is good, as is grass. Pipp won't eat either, so she gets a huge plate of veggies, all varieties, shapes, textures, sizes and colors -- and its working. Kale seems to help, ditto with carrot tops and other stemmy veggies, although again, variety is the key. (I just read that celery has the same tooth-wearing ingredient as grass, she won't eat celery, just the leaves, but that may be another good one).
She hardly gets any pellets, but she still won't eat hay, but normally a variety of hays is good as well -- different cuts, different varieties.
sas :goodluck