Please say a little prayer for my daughter . . .

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Oh goodness, Pam, poor Stephanie. How awful to go through all that pain and stress of the mammograms - for nothing. What is the next step?

I will be keeping her, and all your family in my thoghts and prayers, and hoping something can be done for her very soon.

Oh my goodness! That is just a horrid to go through, especially since it's around Thanskgiving and Christmas. :(

Your daughter and your family will be in my thought and prayers. :pray:

I agree with Gentle Giants, hopefully thedoctors will get some wisdom to help her ina way that will work.

Prayers for your daughter that her pain is relieved and the tumor is benign and easily treated. I will put her on our prayer list at church, if you don't mind, so our congregation can also pray for her.

Has the surgeon said what type biopsy he will be doing?

I'm so sorry I missed this, Pam. I really feel for your Stephanie:(. That has to be so worrying and painful. I am praying for you Stephanie!

I am wishing for the best for Stephanie, poor thing. You will beat this girl! Give her a hug from me, Pam.:hug:

Keep us posted of course.

Adding my prayers that the doctors can remove this easily and with minimal discomfort. It does sound like it would be benign, but will add prayers there as well anyway.

Your poor daughter...sounds like she's been through so much, at such a young age. May she enjoy a healthy, issue-free life once this procedure is over. :pray::hug1
Steph's surgery was yesterday. Everything went well, but she's very sore today.

The doctors didn't have any guesses on what the unusual tumor might be. We should have biopsy results by next week.


Steph ended up back in the hospital last night due to infection. Another biopsy was done to try todetermine if additional tumor growth caused the abscess. If so, they'll have to do surgery again.

She's absolutely miserable and has finals this week : (

Oh my gosh! Could she get an extension on her finals? God love her! I know she's got to be miserable!

We're thinking of her and pray things go better!
Oh Pam, this is just awful. It's bad enough having something like this when you're older, but at only 20 - I can't imagine.

Like Bo said, surely she can get an extension. I mean, she obviously isn't going to feel up to taking any exams.

When do you get the results of the original biopsy?

Thinking of you both


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