Please pray for my Mom.

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Thank you guys :).

She is not worried about it too much. They caught it early, so that's good.


So sorry you're going through this Silvie. :( Be assured thatmany of my closest friends and family have had similar bouts, and they are ALL healthy. Modern technology and early cancer awareness is doing the job -- or something.

seniorcats wrote:
I am so sorry to hear this and send prayers for successful and swift treatment. If she needs anyone to talk to, let me know. I am a cancer survivor, invasive carcinoma - 4 years. Take it one day at a time and try and be as positive as possible. If you are sad and unhappy, your mom still has cancer. If you are happy and upbeat, your mom still has cancer. I firmly believe it's best to try and live as normally and as happily as possible.

Superbadvice. (We need a'head shaking in wonderand appreciation' emoticon).

And personally, from whatI've witnessed, Ican't say enough about self-determination and postive thinking, it licks it quick! I truly believeit's the key, ithelps the immune system -- or something.

sas :hug1(or something)
Prayers said for your mom.:pray: At least it was caught early, right? I know it is difficult to hear such scarey news, but try to stay positive.:pink iris::hug:
I'm sorry your momand your family have to go through this. It's a terrifying experience. I'll pray that it was caught early and is gone. You will need to be strong for your mom. My mom is a 15 year breast cancer survivor, my father-in-law is a 12 year malignant melanoma survivor (on his face). :hug:

Please let us know how your mom is doing. :pray:

Hey there... been kinda dumbfounded by this thread, so this was the first opportunity I had to make a cognitive post on it.

I had cancer twice, which I wont go into detail, but I had innards removed because of it. I also had a cancerous mole removed, as did my birth mom. It was scary, it was painful, but we did catch it early. You are 100% right, GET A HEAD TO TOE CHECK BY YOUR DERMATOLOGIST FOR DANGEROUS MOLES!

I guess your post unnerved me so much, I was unable to post on it, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of both you and your mom, sending good vibes and healing thoughts your way..

I wish your Mom well and a speedy recovery, and let me know how you all are doing..
