I Got the numbers back today .
Unfortunately cats did win

, HOWEVER, the little critters did extremely well

and dogs (LOL) did terrible
The cats had 19,319 points
The little buddies had 17,325 points
and the dogs had -5362 points. No one wanted the dogs to win because they seem to win everything. LOL
Even though we did not win we did incredibly well and all the $$ will be used for good purposes for the animals.
Since I have been in the shelter looking at the jars the past month ; I know that almost no money was placed in the small animal jar.
I turnedin the money sent to me ( per paypal ) by you guys toward the end of the month
Iknow for sure that that incredible high numberr of points for the small animals was almost solely donations from RO.
I am just amazed at the number of members (some who barely know me ) who helped me and my shelter out in this contest.
I am overwhelmed by the generous and caring people on this forum
I LOVE:heartbeat:all of you .
RO is an amazing place ; I am so lucky to have folks like you in my life
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and my shelter in this contest
and especially we helped the small animals by giving them a great big number!!!!