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>>>>> Startlereflex, had you been on the stairs andthe cat came flying out of nowhereit could have very well been you tumblingdown the stairs<<<<<<

:DYes, my first thought was they could have beenstartled by a vacuum cleaner the same way, would she havegiventhat away? But I looked at her other thread onthe subject, which indicatedthe bunniesbecamenervous when she gotthe cat.

I've heard that animals can often sense whether another animalisdangerous or benign, I've always wondered if that wastrue.

here's the other post:

Oh I amSO sorry your baby boy is hurt!! :(

All the good advice has been offered so just follow that and I think everything will turn out okay!!

Ill be keeping you both in my prayers! :pray:
Goodluck at teh vets, keep him comfy and in a quite room and please keep us posted on how you get on at the vets.

Sending you wishes that all is ok.

How's our baby, Rebecca??

What did the doctor say or when is your appointment?

Hi Everyone - thank you for all your replies,thoughts and prayers. It has been a busy morning.Benjamin went to the vets at 8am and we had to leave him while he hadxrays, tests and saw the vet. In the meantime I phoned therspca about the cat - I just wanted some tips on what to do - how tocalm the rabbits and show them that the cat was good. I wason the phone to the RSPCA lady for around 40 minutes and eventually shecame to the conclusion that it would be best for me to return thecat. I didn't mention it but she must have sensed that I wasunnerved and worried about my bunnies - she didn't reprimand me - infact she thanked me for giving it a try to give a cat a new home andsaid she understood that my bunnies welfare was very important andperhaps it would be better for the cat to find a home where he was theonly animal. All night the bunnies were fidgety and afterBenjamin went to the vets Twinkle (the female rabbit) was freaking outabout the cat - she was sniffing around and she could hear the catpurring and meowing from upstairs

Anyway, the conclusion came from the vet that Benjamin had twogreenstick fractures in his leg - I understand that these are tinyhairline chips/ breaks, he doesn't need a splint but I need to restricthis movements for the next few weeks, he has had inflammatory injectionand a painkiller and I've just been to pick him up and brought him home- phew! Thank the Lord that he will be ok.

As for the cat - I'm keeping him til the weekend and then taking himback to the RSPCA - the lady on the phone said she had 4appointments on Saturday for people looking to adopt cats so she isreally hopeful that one of the families coming on Saturday will takehim. I can't describe how dreadful I feel for giving him upbut then again - seeing the fear on my bunnies faces last night was anightmare.

Thanks everyone,

Rebecca xoxo
I truly feel you're doing the right thing,Rebecca. I'm glad the lady at the RSPCA picked up on yourfeelings and was understanding with you.

Glad to hear our little man is going to be okay and you got him to thevet's first thing this morning. The anti-inflammatory andpainkiller sounds just like what the little guy needs.Sometimes their poop is effected by different meds., so you might wantto just ask the vet what side effects you might want to keep an eye outfor.

I hope you got SOME sleep last night, but know that tonight, you'llprobably sleep like a rock. Don't beat yourself up about thecat. It sounds like it's a very caring place by how the womanwas to you on the phone. It's true, she certainly shouldreprimand you for trying. It's too bad it didn't work out,but it just wasn't meant to be. At least you had the courageto try - kudos to you for that.

Kiss Benjamin and his Bride for me. You have my full support and prayers.

Have given Benjamin and Twinkle a kiss and anear scratch for you. I'm busy preparing a handful or freshherbs and a couple of pieces of banana as a treat for being such lovelybunnies.

They are a little calmer now but I've moved them into another room evenfurther away from where the cat is so there's less chance of themhearing him.

The cat is watching birds out in the garden - I will feel bad onSaturday having to bundle him up and take him back to the RSPCA but Ido realise it's for the best - even the smell of him on my hands hasthe bunnies jumping up now.
I am just now seeing this. Oh what a scare. I am so relieved that Benjamin is going to be ok.

I'm sorry you have to give up the cat. I think you aredefinitely doing the right thing. I'm sure he will find a greathome.

Please give Benjamin and his sweet girl kisses for me. I willbe saying some prayers that all works out, and healing thoughts forBenjamin.

Thanks for the update...I'm glad to hear its not serious and he will be ok! With you caring for him, he'll be just fine!
Radar wrote:
>>>>> Startle reflex, hadyou been on the stairs and thecat came flying out of nowhere it couldhave very well been you tumbling down thestairs <<<<<<

Yes, my first thought was they could have beenstartled by a vacuum cleaner the same way, would she havegiventhat away? But I looked at her other thread onthe subject, which indicatedthe bunniesbecamenervous when she gotthe cat.

I've heard that animals can often sense whether another animalisdangerous or benign, I've always wondered if that wastrue.

here's the other post:
Im not sure what your trying to dohere Radar , snottiness masked byniceness just doesnt cut it ,And to answer your question YES, If the Vacumestartled the rabbit into breaking a legyes I would get rid of itand opt for a rug sweeper that made no noise.Animals just like Humans know when something isnt rightwith some animal or SOME Human , Some knowit sooner than others , some ignore it, Some Dont. as for Dangerousor Begnign that remains to be seen.

BTW when do we get to see your Rabbits
Edit for clarification: I feltwith the amount of Stress Rebbecca was under and concideringat the time it was unknown if there was abreak or just a strain the comments madewere very inappropriate ,When I read the response I couldfeel the guilt for wanting to bring thecat back .
An animal cannot be compared to an inanimate objectsuch as a Vaccume cleaner . Mobile animals suchas cats will hunt downan another prey species , where as Rebbecca didnt feelcomfortable keeping the cat, analogies such asthat do not work .
Thanks for all your posts people. Thelatest update is that Benjamin is resting well - he's not trying tomove around which is good. He has put a little pressure onthe foot - he can balance on it although he's not putting weight on it- obviously I won't be pushing him to. He has been a patientboy and let me get close to the area for a small inspection and Inoticed that one of his front nails is loose - It actually appears tobe the whole toe area that is loose and if I lift it then it wobbleslike a loose tooth, however, Benjamin has let me mess with it withoutstruggling too much so it can't be that painful. I'm going toring the vet in the morning and see what he thinks - he obviously musthave missed it when Benjamin was in this morning - either that or justthought it was nothing I should worry about/ nothing to causedistress. Any thoughts?
awww he is a cutie, The nail may heal on its own and retighten backup , keep an eye on it , it may havegotten snagged on someting , Ihad AFleish do that but cracked the nail to the quicklast week , not only did sheget thebroken nail off before I could, the nailitelf tightened back up to normal , gladto report that let me tell ya , Where his movements rightnow will be limited it should healquickly.
Glad to hear it's not too serious! I know thefeeling your sick to your stomach with worry and just feel likebreaking down into tears! GLAD he's going to be fine :)
hugs from me to your little dude. i think you did the right thing about the cat, you always have to trust your instincts.



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