Please Keep Sebastian's Little Girl In Your Prayers

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Razz and SLG: I'm so sorry things aren'tchanging. My RA hasn't been under control for over a year nowand has been getting extremely bad the last few weeks. I toam trying a new medication. I know how hard it is for me, andI can't imagine how hard it is for a child or for a mother to watch herchild go through it. I know my Mom has a hard time when I'mhaving a bad day and I'm an adult.

Please, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know. You are all in my prayers every day.

I'm posting thisupdate here instead of on the other thread because prayers arewhatwe need most. I took SLG to the physical therapistyesterday to be fitted for a brace. When we first got there he watchedher walk and then had her stand in some different positions. He wasdoing a lot of things that really had nothing to do with her ankles andI was becoming concerned. He finally turned to me and said he thinksone of her legs is shorter than the other. I thought I was going to getsick.

Severe damage to the joints, whichresults in stunted growth, or no growth, is one of the thingsI've feared the most. The PT couldn't tell without xrays what part ofher leg was shorter and he was going to call her Rheumatologist todayand talk to him about what we need to do next regarding an orthodic orwhatever. I'm beginning to feel very worn out and frazzled.

SLG on the other hand seems to think her new brace is very cool! :cool:

Sorry to hear it...:(but very glad tohear she's doing so well with it emotionally and thinking her brace iscool, that rocks!
This is heartbreaking to hear! SLG sounds like areal trooper though. I'll be sending up prayers for her and you aswell. Don't forget to take care of you as well. As a mom I know howeasy it is to forget oneselfwhen it comes to our children.Stay strong!!

Sending love and prayers from North Carolina!

I feel so bad for her,I'll keep her in myprayers.She's such a pretty little girl and she looks like avery loving and sweet girl.
This is offsubject of SLG's arthritis, but I'd like to ask for a few extra prayersright now.

As the regular visitors to her threadknow, she has whooping cough. Her immune system is already weakenedbecause of her JRA, her weight has been dropping and the drug she isnow on for her JRA lowers her ability to fight infection. She has beento the doctor three times this week. Her asthma has been acting upbecause of all of this, so shehas beendoingbreathing treatments every fourhourstoo.She got much worse overnight and we had togo to the doctor again this morning. She now has another virus on topof the whooping cough and she has lost two more pounds. She only weighs42lbs and she is very sick. I'm always concerned about her, but thistime I'm frightened. Please keep her in your prayers.

O Lord our God,grant aid to this little girl and cure her of every sickness of whichshe is grieved; and send down upon her Your great mercy, and if it beYour will, give to her health and a complete recovery; for You are thePhysician of our souls and bodies, and to You do we send up Glory: tothe Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Both now and forever, and to the agesof ages. Amen.


I can only imagine how frightened you must be.
You and SLG and your whole family will be in my prayers.
Oh no Razz. I am praying for her right now. Isure hope she gets well soon. Tell SLG that I am praying for her. Isure miss seeing her come on here sometimes.

Take care all of you guys. You all are in my prayers always

Angel and MeatHead.

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