I think its such a shame that Leslie tookeverything that was said to her the wrong way. Even a domesticatedrabbit needs a mature and responsible owner who can provide him withall he needs - not just love!
Leslie you said that you got kicked out of your house because of it - Ireally think you have done the right thing for this rabbit letting himgo and i'm no expert! Without trying to offend its seems as though youare quite young and now your at your friends house there would be nowayyou could have looked after it. Especially if your parents didntapprove (I'm presuming thats why you got kicked out of your house asyou said it was because of the bunny) Anyway good luck with any bunnythat you get in the future. As for not coming back herewith anew rabbit- I feel that is a shame as I have had so muchadvice and support from people on here and theyare purelylooking out for the best for the rabbits!