Thanks everyone. Are you sure the smoky colored guy is a sable point. I have a sable point and he doesn't look anything like it. My senior sable point buck has a creamy white coat with dark points.
This is what is says in my Breed guide book I got when becoming a member of the AFLRC. Identifying colors page 94 Shaded Group sable point: These are born pink and turn to a cream or light beige color. There may be an appearance of ticking on the body with development of the baby wool. This ticking then develops into a more defined shading of sepia brown. Shading of brown will appear on the nose, ears, flanks and tail. Eye color is brown.
This guy's eyes are brown but he wasn't pink at birth and hasn't turned to cream or light beige. He was silvery gray with what looked like tort shading. I thought for sure he was some sort of tort because of distinct flank shading.
Are there different types of sable points? Do you think this guy is showable?
Please forgive my ignorance. I'm just getting started in this breed, only inmy second year. The national convention for fuzzy lops is in my state this year and I don't want to look like a total idiot (not sure that will be possible, but I'm going to try with the help of you all).
Thanks again.