I rescued a very handsome black boy who is about 1 year old now about a week and half ago, although I recently had to give away my other rabbit (due to her biteing and charging problems with my siblings) my mother agreed to take in him because he was just adorable and sweet. Which he is, both adorable and sweet but with that being said he is also very timid and shy and scared. I have tried bonding excercises with him, and even sat on the floor for a whole 3 days with him, I sleep next to his cage, and when he gets full run at night I sleep on the floor and sometimes he sits close by to me. Right now, were in my bathroom "trying" to get to know eachother but he is just sitting in the corner right now watching me. I just wanted to know if you had some tips on bonding with rabbits?
Also some questions..
If you inaciate it yourself as in..
-Licking them on the nose (I know that sounds gross to some)
-Nudgeing them with your nose
-grooming yourself in there presence (as if you were a rabbit of course)
-Lieing down in there precense to show you are not scared
If you could please give me some advice ASAP. that would be amazing.
Also some questions..
If you inaciate it yourself as in..
-Licking them on the nose (I know that sounds gross to some)
-Nudgeing them with your nose
-grooming yourself in there presence (as if you were a rabbit of course)
-Lieing down in there precense to show you are not scared
If you could please give me some advice ASAP. that would be amazing.