PLEASE HELP ASAP (major hair loss, skin irritation)

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Oh sorry! She's using her bunny's name (and I think even her own real name) on the other list I'm on. I deleted the name in my post and I can do the same in your post if you like.

I've done some more research and I think the regular Revolution treatments should be as effective as Ivermectin, at least if it was injected (oral is much less effective). They have to be given every couple of weeks. If they can keep the infection and blood levels under control, the current treatment should help.

If it doesn't, then you're back looking at the chemical burn/allergy/something else scenario.

sas :bunnydance:
my vet has always told me revolution is better for fleas whereas an ivermectin product is best for mites in the uk they use xeno450 instead of the ivermectin injection unless the mites are really really bad , xeno450 is just a spot on treatment when bailey had mites it cleared it up really quickly with no bad side effects ,

is there any chance bun could have knocked a bottle of bleach or cleaning product over and sat in it if tests come back clear

the skin does look like it could be an infection , hope it all gets sorted soon
I saw bad mange in a guinea pig at the shelter a couple years ago..lost all his fur, and had a pink scaly looking hairless body but nothing as severe looking as this pic.
it appears the blood is right below the surface; to me it stll looks like a burn but possibly mange ??
Ringworm in a rabbit doesn't present as circular patches as it does in some animals and humans.
Does the exterior of the skin feel hard and scaly/ ??
I honestly think that if nothing has been found on the skin scraping or ringworm test, it may be best just to assume there are mites there that can't be seen. Ivermectin is a good antiparasitic that is quite strong. There are some bunnies that have an adverse reaction to it, but they're dutch and viennas, I think, so I wouldn't worry about a severe reaction. Another possibility if that doesn't work is to give a broad spectrum antibiotic, like Baytril injectible, in case it is a bacterial skin infection. It may be good to do both, but then you won't know which is helping if it improves. I wouldn't apply anything topically, since the skin looks so terribly raw and delicate.
Is it possible this is a two fold problem?

I.e. something that balded the bunny, and then something like sunburn or another burn on top of the bald?

Could ingesting something toxic cause such a violent reaction?

I'm just throwing out random ideas here.
I think if its mange and it was itchy, the rabbit could have 'worried' it into that state.

Or as you say, the hair fell out because of the mites and sunburned.

sas :expressionless:
hi all this is the e~mail i got this morning

Better news

Noisette is out of the hospital since 4;30 p.m.

The rash she had on her back is almost cleared. Still, she loses hair but where it falls, other tiny hairs are already growing.

She went home with metacam and antibiotics for 10 more days (if I am right, have to check the prescription again).

My vet did miracles cleaning and taking care of that angry irritation Noisette had.

I gave her the e-mail address, fax number and infos to another vet a friend recommanded me: my own vet

will fax Noisette's file to him and maybe they can see what to do next.

As for Noisette, the first thing she did arriving here was pooping madly in her litter tray and peeing non-stop. You could almost think she did not poop not pee

at the vet

She was left to roam a bit free, which turned into major binkies and head flopping, ear flopping and happy bun state:)

And she eats, and drink.

So, I can say that whatever she has, she is having it less now. Will it stay away and keep on healing, almost nobody knows.........

What a saga!
That sounds like a nice positive update :) Hopefully Noisette will keep staying happy :)