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I call the babies he or it too, until they start getting older. don't know why! funny thing....

I have a friend that calls allcats "he" and her mom calls them "she". ;)


emmy is getting alittle interested in the pastickeychain that is hanging down its cage..! If i bring it down alittlebit..emmy comes and starts chewing on the toy :)So with theball that i gave her..! She somtimes rolls it around her cage..andthats most about it..! Does anyone have anymroe suggestions?
My two girls love anything that a toy comes IN...or here is what you do~

Buy a really expensive toy that you think your bunny will love, cartthe thing home, beam with pride as you explain the new toy to yourbun......brag to all your friends about the new toy.........


watch in utter horror as your bun tosses the toy aside and plays with the packaging...

(Just agreeing with the wonderful cardboard box idea, when they weretiny I used a kleenex box with holes cut out for peek-a-boo, now I useVERY LARGE boxes..)

sigh, they grow up so fast


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