Pip's surgery scheduled

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That photo of Pip is awesome!!!! He's absolutely adorable.

There are some bio products that help to control odor. Thebest thing to do is clean potty corners a couple times a day andprovide good ventilation such as a fan in the room. You canwipe off the bottom of the cage with vinegar which is safe and helps toneutralize the odor.

Out of all the pets we have (rabbits, dog, chinchilla, fish, hamster,mouse) -- I can't believe how much the *mouse* smells. Ourprecious Ruth is so tiny and so fastidious, but WOW thatlittle girl is rank LOL

I'llhave to get my pentax camera out and get some photos ofbeautiful Ruth (she's so tiny that I can't get clear photos with thedigital camera).



Oh, I would love to see a picture of Ruth. I LOVEmice -- they are so adorable. I used to have one years agoand she was quite rank too. LOL. Thanks for the ideas on odorcontol. I will try the vinegar solution to clean Pip'scage. Hopefully once he is "fixed" in another month he willsmell a little better :p

update on Butter:

He seems to be feeling much better today. Not surewhy he had the episode last night -- we really thought we were going tolose him. All is well so far today, he still has thearthritic back leg, but there really isn't much we can do about that,just keep him comfortable. I just worry about his lack ofexercise.

Pip is well. Still aggressive toward other familymember, but sweet as pie to me ;). Going to re-schedule thesurgery for sometime in early August -- hopefully he will have grown bythen!!


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